Deed - Enoch Reves to Allen Burton
Ashe County, North Carolina
Deed Book C, p. 240
29 May 1824
A deed from Enoch Reves to Allen Burton 47 acresThis Indenture made this 29th day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty four by and between Enoch Reves of the one part, and Allen Burton of the other part, all of the County of Ashe and State of North Carolina Witness, that for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred Dollars to him the said Enoch Reves in hand, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and himself fully paid and Satisfied, hath given, granted, bargained, Sold and delivered and by these presents, doth give, grant, bargain, Sell, convey and confirm Enfeoff & deliver to him the Said Allen Burton his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Ashe and State aforesaid on the waters of Rock Creek, Beginning at a white oak a corner made by Andrew Cox to Rankin Cox runing West ninety eight Poles to a white (?) on the top of a Ridge, then South twenty five west Sixty Poles to a white oak, then East with Spur of the Ridge Sixty Poles to a forked Spanish oak, then South twenty two East Sixty nine Poles to two white oaks near Allen Burtons fence, then North Eighty four Poles to the Beginning containing forty Seven acres to be the Same more or less, Together with every right title and privilege to Said land belonging or in anywise appertaining to him the Said Allen Burton his heirs and assigns, forever, to have and to hold absolutely, freely and clearly and he the Said Enoch Reves do moreover warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premises free and clear from all claims of any person, him his heirs and assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever, in testimony whereof he has hereunto Set his hand and affixed his Seal day and date first above written, Signed, Sealed and delivered in presents of (viz)
Enoch Reves (Seal
Richard Gentrey Jurat
A. McMillan
N. Carolina § May Term 1829. The within deed duly proven in
Ashe County § open Court and ordered to be Registered.
Test T. Calloway C.C.C.
By R. Gentrey D.C.