1825 Deed - Archibald Beaty to John G Reives
Fairfield County, SC
11 Oct 1825
Deed Book GG p1
South CarolinaTo all to whom these presents shall come, I Archibald Beaty Sheriff of Fairfield district and State aforesaid, send greeting thereof by virtue of two writs of fiere facias, issued out of the court of Common Please, held for the District of Fairfield tested the second Monday after the fourth Monday in March the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and Twenty five at the suites of Daniel Nelson and William Reaves against Jacob Cherry to me directed, commanding me, that of the goods and chattles, lands and tenaments of Jacob Cherry, to levy the sum of four hundred and two dollars and twenty cents damages and costs, I have secured and taken of the lands and tenaments of the said Jacob Cherry all those two pieces, parcels or tracts of land containing one thousand and ninety seven acres more or less (to wit) on the Execution of William Reves against Jacob Cherry three Hundred and sixty six acres more or less, and hath such marks & shapes as will more fully appear by reference being had to a plat made by James Kennedy Esq ?. 15th August 1825 and on the Execution of Daniel Nelson against Jacob Cherry seven hundred thirty one acres more or less, the above said two tracts of land, was conveyed by James Seal to Jacob Cherry and at the time conveyed ? in one tact situated and being in the District of Fairfield and State aforesaid lying on the branch waters of sawney's Creek waters of the ? River bounded on the S W by Millinr Estate land and Mandaville's Lands - on the S E by John Rives Land - On the NE by Mason Willis Whitiker And Abner Ross Esq Land - and on the NW by Moses King land as by reference being had to a plat made by Abram Ferguson and John Peebles Esq D S on the 12th January 1821 will more fully appear and whereas the said premises with their appurtenance, since the seizure by me made by virtue of the said writ of fieri facias before mentioned have been exposed to sale at public vend?, and purchased by John G Rives of the District and State aforesaid for the sum of Three hundred Dollars being the highest sum that was bidden therefor: Now, known ye that I Archibald Beaty Sheriff by virtue of the said writs of fieri facias aforesaid, to me directed and delivered as aforesaid, and by virtue of the State in such case made and provided, and for and in consideration of the said sum of three hundred Dollars to me in hand paid, or secured to be paid by the said John G Rieves, the receipt and payment whereof, I do hereby acknowledge, have granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, Bargain and sell unto the said John G Rives his heirs and assigns forever, the tract, piece and parcel of land, with its appurtenances and all the estate rights title and interest which the said Jacob Cherry of right had of in and to the same to have and to hold the said piece, his heirs and assigns forever as fully and absolutely as I the said Archibald Beaty might could or ought to grant, bargain and sell the same, by virtue of the Statue aforesaid, and the said writs of fieri facias or otherwise.
In witness whereof I the said Archibald Beaty have hereunto set my hand and seal, the eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Twenty five.
Sealed Signed and Delivered }
in the presents of }
B RobertsonArchibald Beaty (LS)
Thos. W Starke S. F. D.
South Carolina }
Fairfield District }
Personally appeared before me Bennie Robertson and made oath that he saw Archibald Beaty sign seal and deliver the within conveyance, for the use and purposes therein mentioned and that himself and Thomas W Stark in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution thereof
Sworn to before me B Robertson
this Eight Day of Nor 1825
Abner Ross (QU)
Recorded 8 Nover 1825