1830 Deed - James Ham to Isham Reeves
Bedford Co., Tennessee
Deed Book AA, pp. 488
26 Jan 1830
This Indenture made this twenty sixth day of January 1830 between James Ham of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and Isham Reeves of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the other part witnesseth, that the said James Ham for and in consideration of two hundred and twenty Dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth convey and confirm to the said Isham Reeves his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of land situate in the County of Bedford bounded or follows on the west by Thomas Purdy on the on the north by Lewis Newsome lying and being on the South Side of Duck River beginning at a stake on said Purdy’s line running thence East with said Newsom south boundary line fourteen chains and thirty three links to a Chery thence south thirteen chains and ninety five links to an elm thence west sixteen chains and thirty three links to a red oak on said Purdys line thence north nine degrees and thirty minutes to the East fourteen chains and fifty links to the beginning corner containing twenty one and acres which tract of land together with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging the said James Ham for himself and his heirs & to the said Isham Reeves his heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend against the lawful claim of any other person or personally by these presents as in indefeasible inheritance in fees simpleIn testimony whereof I the said James Ham hath hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Uriah CrossJames (his mark) Ham (Seal)
Willis Stephens
State of Tennessee }
Bedford County } February Term 1830
I James McKesick Clerk of the Court of pleas and quarter Sessions for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that the execution of the foregoing deed of conveyance from James Ham to Isham Reeves for twenty and a quarter acres of land was acknowledged in open court by the said James Ham and ordered to be certified for Registration
Given under my hand this 12th day of February 1830
James McKesick Clk