Columbia Co., GA - 1832 Will of John Reeve

1832 Will - John Reeve

Will of John Reeve

Georgia                   §           In the name of God Amen
Columbia County   §           I John Reeve Senr of the county & State aforesaid being weak in body but Sound in mind & memory do make, ordain, constitute, appoint & publish this to be my last will and Testament, in manner & form following, (That is to Say)

Item first - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Alletha Reeve during her natural life the premises whereon I now reside including all the land on the East side of the watery branch, also the following negro property viz Dempse, Ruth & her Two Children drew David & Matilda, Bamby, Rebecca & Philip and their future increase, It is msy desire that She be put in peaceable Possession of the same -

Item 2d I give and bequeath to my son John Reeve (after the decease of My wife Alletha) all the negroes bequeathed to her and their future increase -

Item 3rd I give & bequeath to my daughter Susan Baggett as a loan during her natural life vina & Ben & their future increase, and at her death to be Sold and the proceeds divided amongst the Lawful Children of her Body -

Item 4th I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Inglett as a loan during her natural life Lenny & Bill & their future increase and at her death to be Sold and the proceeds to be divided amongst the Lawful Children of her Body -

Item 5th I give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Reeve the following negro property viz Simon Judea & her children Stepney Edinborough, Mary, Wilbir, Samuel & Jacob & their future increase, Likewise all my my (sic) lands lying & being in Columbia County, but he shall not have nor take possession of that part of the land given to my wife until after her death, also a tract of land in the Third district of Early County Number Three hundred & Thirty five containing Two hundred & fifty acres -

Item 6th Whereas my Son in Law James Hardin has been in Possession of a negro girl (Lydia) for some time which I gave to my daughter Mary his wife, I give to him in addition the following negroes Allen & Daniel

Item 7th I give & bequeath to my grand children Thomas & Nancy Harden (the children of my daughter Rebecca one tract of land Lying and being in Jasper county containing Two hundred Two & a half acres Lying on the waters of Murder creek, Said Tract Drawn by the orphans of David James - at the time Said lot of Land was Drawn, It was the fifteenth Dept of Baldwin county & known in the plan of Said district by No Six -

Item 8th It is my wish & desire that all the money & notes found in my possession & at my death & crop on hand Shall be equally divided between my wife Alletha & my Son Thomas Reeve

Item 9th It is my will & desire that the living stock of all & every kind, the plantation tools & implements, all my household & Kitchen furniture of all & every kind be equally divided between by wife Alletha and Thomas Reeve & at her death the Same shall revert to & become the property of my Son Thomas Reeve

Item 10th I give & bequeath to My wife Alletha Reeve during her natural life Two negroes Susan & Alletha together with their future increase & at the death of my Said wife to revert to & become the property of My son John Reeve

Item 11th, I do hereby nominate constitute & appoint my son Thomas Reeve & my Son in Law James Hardin my Lawful Executors & carry into effect this my last will & Testament according to the True intent & meaning thereof

Signed Sealed & acknowledged in our presence & each of us Subscribed the Same as witnesses in each others presence at the request of the Testator This the 16th day of September 1832 -

Wm. Moderwel                                                         John Reeve (LS)
William Drane
Stephen Drane

Georgia                 §           William Moderwell William Drane and Stephen Drane the
Columbia County §           witnesses to the within instrument came into open court and being first duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelist the truth to State deposed and Sayth that they Saw John Reeves (sic) in life Sign Seal and publish the within instrument as his last will and testament and that they considered him of Sound mind and disposing memory and that they Signed the Same as witnesses in the presents of the testator and in the presents of each other all done at the request of the testator
Sworn to in open Court                                             Wm. Moderwel
This 4th November 1833                                           William Drane
                    Jas Burnside                                           Stephen Drane

Ordinary’s office
November 25th
1833 Registered in
Book W. folio 304,305,
& 306 Jas Burnside


This same will was recorded in Clarke County, Alabama Will Book D, p92.


Columbia County, Georgia Will Book W, p. 304-306