William Reeve - Pension Application
Transcript or Summary
State of South CarolinaAbbeville District
On the fifth day of April in the year of
our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty three personally
appeared before me the Honorable Josiah J Evans presiding Judge
of Abbeville in the State aforesaid, William Reeve a resident
of the District of Abbeville in the State aforesaid aged seventy
seven years who being first duly sworn, according to law doth
on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain
the benefit of the provisions made by the act of congress passed
June the seventh One thousand eight hundred and thirty two
1st That he entered the service of the United States in Prince
William County State of Virginia in the year & [illegible]
seventeen hundred and Seventy six at the age of twen
ty [illegible] as a drafted [illegible] under Capt. James Ewell
Lieut. John Linton and Colonel Henry Lee who commanded
the Regiment and was marched to the Potomac River two
miles below Dumfries where Col. Henry Lee caused a ditch
[illegible] temporary redoubt to be thrown up to guard & shelter his
troops upon the fire of the British who then lay in the river
& who moved down the river without giving battle after
the defection of the British from this point, Col. Lee [illegible]
remained there three weeks & were then & there verbally
discharged 2nd that subsequently in the fall of the year seven-
teen hundred and seventy six the applicant under the same
Capt. Ewell & Col. Lee marched as a militiaman under
their command from Prince William to the Potomac River
two miles below Dumfries the British here again moved down
the river & Col. Lee’s troops at this [illegible] remained three
weeks & were again discharged to go home.
3d. The applicant entered the service the third time some time
about the first of January one thousand seven hundred & seventy
seven as a militiaman in Fauquier County State of Virginia
under Capt. James Scott Lieut. Wm. Kinchelow John Had
away & Ensign James Haden marches from Fauquier
County to the Potomac [illegible] Ferry, from thence to Fred-
erick town in Maryland, then to Philadelphia thence to
to the Basking Ridge in New Jersey above Brunswick
thence to [illegible] in the Jersey State where Capt.
Scott’s company were stationed under the command
for a short time of Colonel Hollinsworth & subsequently
Col. Streicken of the german troops under whose command
the Company of Capt. Scott ended their three months service
being the period for which they volunteered. the applicant
further says that the Fauquier Volunteers were [illegible]
upon by Genl. Washingtons written letter to remain one
week longer, at the end of which time the troops [illegible]
ing themselves discharged by Genl. Washingtons letter set
out for home. When Genl. Starling sent a troop or squad
ron of horse to detain the Fauquier Volunteers as
his life guard, & were detained & kept at least three weeks
longer making the whole tour of the applicant service
this time fully fourth months & even then verbally dis-
charged by Genl. Starling – in this service the
applicant was in a battle or skirmish with the
British & Hessians between [illegible] Town & Brunswick no
American troops were killed or wounded. One British
corporal the applicant is certain was killed, says his
name was Bennet and had the No. 77 on his buttons –
4th. The applicant subsequently served three weeks
during which time he acted as Lieut. Under a Capt.
Evans at Alexandria and performed service as
a temporary guard against the British who was
then lying off Alexandria. The applicant cannot
recollect the month or year of this service and does
not recollect of any officer higher in grade than
Capt. Evans –
5. The applicant further says that he [illegible]
as Lieut. Under a Capt. Valentine Payton as
a guard on the Potomac River between Dumfries
and Alexandria, & that he fully served three
weeks & believes this last service to have been
in the year in which Cornwallis was taken
& this ended the service of the Applicant in
the Revolutionary War in the defence of
the United States making in whole seven
months service which the Applicant performed
as above stated.
The Applicant hereby relinquishes every claim that
ever to a pension or annuity except the present and
he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of Any agency
in any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid
In Open Court William Reeve
Jas Wardlaw
And the said court do hereby declare their opinion
that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier
and served in the states.
Josiah Evans
Pres. Judge
5 Apr 1833
I James Wardlaw Clerk of the Court of Common Please
and Quarter Sessions for the District of Abbeville in the State of South
Carolina to hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original
proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application [illegible]
[illegible] for a pension.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal [illegible] this fifth day of April in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and thirty three & in the fifty seventh year
of the Independence of the United States of
J. Wardlaw