Deed - Rosamond Doughton to William Toliver
Ashe County, North Carolina
Deed Book P, p. 401
Rosaman Doughton deed to William Toliver 100.4This indenture made the 28th of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred & thirty three Between Rosaman Doughton of the County of Ashe & State of N. C. of the one part & William Toliver of the County of Ashe & State of N. C. of the other part Witnesseth that She the sd Rosaman Doughton for & in consideration of fifty dollars to her in hand paid the Recept of which She the sd. Rosaman Doughton doth acknowledge herself fully paid & satisfied (?) hath Granted, Bargained & sold & Delivered & by these presents doth freely & Clearly Grant Bargain sell & Convey & Confirm unto the sd. Wm. Toliver a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County afore sd. Containing one hundred acres Situated on filing(?) Creek Beginning at a water oak near Barnabas Evans line Runing East one hundred & twenty Six poles to a Stake then North one hundred & twenty Six poles to a Stake then West one hundred & twenty Six poles to a chesnut oak B Evans Corner then to first Station Containing 100 acres of land To Gether with every Right title & claim or in anywise appertaining the said Rosaman Doughton doth bind herself her heirs & assigns Executors & admins to warrant & forever defend Said premesis free & Clear from all Just Claims & encumbrances Whatsoever whereof She the sd. Rosaman Doughton hereunto Set her hand & fixed her seal Signed Sealed & Delivered in presents of us
Charles Toliver Jurat Rosaman X Doughton
Hugh Toliver Jurat mark
State of N. Carolina } February Term 1851
Ashe County } The within deed was duly proven
In open Court & ordered to be Registered
Jno. Ray CCC
May the 23rd 1851 By N. H. Waugh LC
Josh Cox CR