1835 Deed - James Newsom to Isham Reaves
Bedford Co., Tennessee
Deed Book EE, p250
16 Mar 1835
This Indenture made this Sixteenth day of Mach 1835 Between James Newsom of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and Isham Reaves of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said James Newsom for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars in Hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granted bargained sold aliened conveyed and confirmed and by these presents does Grant bargain sell alien convey and confirm unto the said Isham Reaves his heirs and assigns forever all that Tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Bedford and State aforesaid Beginning at a Box Elder stump in the South Side of Duck River it being the lower Corner (on the River) of the original tract of William Newsoms now Decd. Running thence South one Hundred and Eight poles to a stake Hickory and Hornbeam the South West Corner of the original Tract thence East thirty Poles to a Stake near a Dogwood and Sugartree marked as Pointers Thence North one Hundred and thirty and one fourth poles to Sycamore and Box Elder on the bank of the River thence down with the various meanders of the Same to the Beginning Containing Twenty Acres be the same more or less .... and appurteances and all the Estate Right title and interest property and claim of Him the said James Newsom of in and to the same to have and to hold the lands hereby conveyed with all and Singular the premises and any part or parcel thereof with the appertenances unto the said Isham Reaves his heirs and assigns forever. And the said James Newsom for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Isham Reeves his heirs and assigns by these present that the premises before mentioned now are and forever hereafter shall remain free from all and other gifts grants bargains sales charges and incumberances Whatsoever done or suffered to be done by the said James Newsom, And the said James Newsom his heirs Executors and Administrators all and Singular the Premises hereby bargained and sold with the appertenances unto the said Isham Reaves his heirs and assigns against the said James Newsom and his heirs and all and every other person or Persons whatsoever doth and will warrant and for ever defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said James Newsom hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written.Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of usJames Newsom (Seal)
W. F. LongAckd 11 March 1835
James H Graham
State of Tennessee }
Bedford County } Personally appeared before me James McKisick clerk of Bedford County Court James Newsom the barganer with whom I am personally acquainted and Acknowledged that he Executed the within deed for the purpose therein contained
Given under my hand at office in Shelbyville this 13 March 1835
James McKisick