1836 Will - Abigail Post

1836 Will - Abigail Post

1836 Will - Abigail Post


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber 4, p102
Dated: 7 Oct 1836
Proved 17 Mar 1843


At a Surrogate's Court held at the Surrogate's
office in the town of Riverhead in the County of Suffolk on the 12th day of January 1843
Present - George Miller Surrogate

In the matter of proving the last will }
& testament of Abigail Post Decd }
On the day & at the place aforesaid personally appeared before the said Surrogate Josiah Smith presented his petition for proof as a will of both real and personal estate of Abigail Post late of the town of Brookhaven....following persons are her only heirs at law and next of kin viz Mehitable Bishop, Joel Reeve, Franklin Reeve, Abigail Turner the wife of Jonah Turner all of the said town of Brookhaven Julianer Foster of the town of Huntington in said County Elizabeth Owen the wife of John Owen Elizabeth Parcels the wife of Nicholas Parcels and Franklin Haff all of the city of New York Jemima A. Benjamin Mary E. Benjamin and Frances Benjamin all of the said town of Brookhaven and Isaac Haff Alexander Haff Theodore Haff and Cornelia Haff all of the City of New York, that the seven last named are respectively minors under the age of twenty one years without general Guardian - it is therefore ordered that Usher Benjamin be appointed special guardian of the said minors for the purpose of appearing for them and taking charge of their interests on the proof of the said will....

In the name of God Amen. I Abigail Post Widow of the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk & State of New York being weak in body, but of sound mind and memory do ordain & publish this my last will & testament in manner & form as follows, vitz:
1st I hereby will and order my executors hereinafter named to collect all my monies due or to become due; & out of the same to pay all funeral charges and just debts
2nd I will & bequeath unto my three nieces vizt Sarah Haff Abigail Turner & Elizabeth Parcells all my household furniture & all my wearing apparell, linnen &c equally between them
3rd I give & bequeath to my nephew Joel Reeve his heirs and assigns forever the house & lot on which I now live
4th All the residue & remainder of my estate whether real or personal & give & bequeath unto my nephews vizt Joel Reeve & Franklin Reeve to them their heirs & assigns forever
5th I hereby appoint my worthy friend Josiah Smith my sd nephew Joel Reeve & my Niece Abigail Turner executors & executrix to carry the foregoing will into execution & settle the same hereby revoking all former wills by me made & declaring this to be my last will & testament - In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand & seal this 7th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
Abigail Post LS
Signed Sealed published & declared to be }
her last will & testament in the presence }
of us, who have hereunto subscribed our }
names, as witnesses in the presence of }
the testator
Josiah Smith Moriches farmer
John Howell Carpenter
James Edwards Mason

It is therefore ordered that the said last will and testament with the proofs be recorded.

I do certify that the foregoing is a true record of the last will and testament of Abigail Post late of the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk deceased and the proofs and examination taken and had in the Surrogate's Court of the County of Suffolk relative to the proof of the said last will and testament of the said Abigail Post deceased as a will whereby real estate is devised.
In testimony whereof I the said Surrogate have hereunto subscribed my name the 17th day of March 1843
George Miller Surrogate


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber 4, p102