1839 Will - Jesse Reeves

1839 Will - Jesse Reeves

1839 Will - Jesse Reeves


Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Will Book 3, p67
Dated: 26 Jun 1839
Proved: 3 Jan 1843


The Last Will and Testament of Jesse Reeves of Rostrover Township in the County of Westmoreland, I Jesse Reeves considering the Uncertainty of this Mortal Life and now being of Sound mind and memory, blessed be Almighty God for the Same, Do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following.
First, it is my Will and Desire that all my just Debts together with my funeral expences be fully paid, after which, it is my will and Desire, that my Wife Issabell do enjoy and Receive the one third of my whole estate During her life, and Remains as my Widow,
Secondly I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Hannah, Catharine, and Mary Two Hundred and fifty Dollars in Cash, to Each one o the three Daughters, And I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth one hundred Dollars in Money, to be paid as soon as conveniently can be Done to each one after my Decease if not paid to them before
3ndly it is my will and Desire And I hereby Do give and bequeath unto my two sons John and Van Reeves all my real estate containing and being the tract of land whereon I now live, being about two hundred acres more or less together with another small tract joining the monongahela, also two houses and lots in the Town of Columbia, each one to have an equal share alike, to be devided by them as will best suit them both, it is my desire that my wife shall have what every household goods she may want for to keep house with, also to have the choice of two milch cows, and one horse creature, the residue of my stock of Creatures it is my Desire, that they be sold by Vandner And I do hereby appoint John Reeves and Van Reeves my executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 26th Day of June AD 1839
Jesse (his x mark) Reeves (Seal)
Signed Sealed published by the said Jesse Reeves to be his last will and testament in presence of us
Morgan W Eckley }
William Mullin Jr }
W D Mullin }

Legally proved and approved this 3d day of January AD 1843 same day recorded Letters Testamentary granted to Van Reeves John Reeves having died since this execution of said will this 4th day of January AD 1843 executor affirmed Before me Jacob S Slack Dep Regr


FamilySearch - Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Will Book 3, p67