Will of John Rooker Names Daugther Betty Reeves
(Although this will refers to York District, SC, it was recorded in Mecklenburg County, NC. York District/County was considered part of North Carolina until about 1772, originally part of Mecklenburg County, NC and later Tyron County, NC. It is unclear why this will, dated in 1839, would be recorded in Mecklenburg County, NC.)
Mecklenburg County
Superior Court
Record of Wills
Vol. H
p. 120 - 123
Image 123 - 125
State of South Carolina York District
I John Rooker of the State and district aforesaid calling to mind the frailty of human nature and being far _ in age but in full possession on my Rational faculties that Almighty God in mercy hath been _ to bestow on me I do make and ordain my Last Will and Testament in manner & form following revoking all others but this & this only 1st I desire for my Body to be decently intered in the northwest corner of the Baptist Sugar Creek grave yard at the discretion of my wife children & friends
2nd I desire to give my Soul & Bod to almighty God who first gave it.
3rd I desire for all my lawful debts to be paid
4. I lend to m wife all my land Negroes Stock of all Kinds house hold Furniture Kitchen furniture farming utensils with all and everything else that I may die in possession of
5. I have given my daughter Betty Reeves all I allowed for her.
6. I have given my son Jennings all I allowed for him to have
7. I gave given my son John Hawkins all I allowed for him to have
8th I desire after the death of my wife for all my land to be Sold on a credit of one two & three years. Credit & the payments Secured b mortgage on the Lands & for my Son Jacob to have one half of the proceeds of this Sale and the other half of the proceeds of this Sale be Equally divided between my three grandsons - Wm John & Moses - Sons of my Son Joseph Davis also what perishable property my wife may Leave divided in the Same manner except the following property
9th I give to my daughter Eleanor Harper Sukey Milly Mildred two Negro weman one of which is now in her possession & the other after the of my wife.
10. I Lend to my daughter Mary Waytt Spears a Negro woman & Children now in her possession the woman called Sylva & her Children after her _ are. Mary Wyatt Spears the Sd Negroes to be amongst my grand children Ann Jas Rivves John _ sons of my son _ _ Rooker Decd I& Susannah Dorris Adairs oldest daughter and Margret Jane.
11. I give to my daughter Susannah D. Adair all children left of a Negro
woman Dec'd called Gullly which died in her possession and my Negro girl Mary Eloise.
Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my friend Isaac D Witherspoon ___ attorney at law residing in Yorkville and James Boyd my Sole Executors Revoking all others but this & this only in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this 23rd day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & thirty nine.
Signed & Sealed in presence of John Rooker
John T. Harper
Robert Harper
Walker Quinn