1840 Deed - John G Reaves to Pary Arant
Calloway County, Kentucky
22 Oct 1840
Deed Book D p199
This indenture made this 22nd of October one thousand Eight hundred and forty between John G Reaves of the state of Kentucky Callo county of the one part and Pary Arant of the county and state aforesaid Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and ninety five dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained sold aliened and conveyed to the said Pary Arant a portion of the North west quarter of section thirty one Township six Range four East beginning at a stake four and a half poles north of the south west corner of the quarter aforesaid to a post oak thence North 155 & an half poles to the North West corner of said quarter thence West 160 poles to the North East corner of the same thence South one hundred and fifty five and an half poles to the North East corner of Coleman Nichols land thence west one hundred and sixty poles to the place of beginning containing by estimation one hundred and fifty five and an half acres conveyed to me by John G Reaves together with all the right titles interest claims and demands of myself or my heirs of into or out of the same and I do bind myself and my heirs to warrant against all person or persons claim or claims whatsoever the said John G Reaves and Elizabeth his wife doth warrant and forever defend In testimony we have hereunto set our hand and affixed our seal the date first above written.Signed sealed and deliveredJohn G Reaves (Seal)
in presence of
W S Castleberry
James W Booth
State of Kentucky }
Calloway County } I Edmund H Curd clerk of the county court for said county do certify that
this deed from John G Reaves & Elizabeth his wife to Pary Arant was on the 22nd day of February 1841 produced to me in my office and acknowledged by the said John G Reaves to be his act & deed hand & seal for the purposes therein contained Whereupon the same together with this certificate stands truly recorded in my office. Given under my hand this 19th day f April 1841
E H Curd C C C C
W W Curd L C C C C