1841 Deed - Joseph W. Patterson et al to Loften Reeves
Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book N, p. 200
13 Sep 1841
Walton County
This Indenture made this thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one Between Joseph W. Patterson Edward Patterson George Patterson and Henry Patterson by their attorney in fact Edward Lloyd Thomas of the one part and Loften Reeves of the other part Witnesseth that whereas the said Edward L. Thomas was by a Power of Attorney dated the fifteenth day of December eighteen hundred and thirty five made in the City of Baltimore State of Maryland and duly authenticated was constituted and appointed the lawful attorney of the said Joseph Edward George and Henry for the purpose of recovering securing obtaining and getting the possession and custody of all said Land and tenements hereditaments and rents or other things whatsoever that are, is, or shall be contained or thought by said attorney to be just and proper and which we could use and take were we personally present; and to compromise agree and settle upon fair and Equitable terms with any Person or persons and bring in possession of or having adverse claims to any of the lands tenements hereditaments or other real Estate aforesaid meaning in said State And Whereas the said Loften Reeves bring now in possession and having adverse claim to a tract or parcel of land which is considered or thought by said attorney to belong to his principals, and which he thinks is expedient and proper to compromise ands settle Now in Consideration of the premises and for and in Consideration of the sum of three hundred and twenty eight dollars to him the said attorney well and truly paid by the said Lofton Reeves the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged in said part of the first have this day relinquished and quit claimed, do and by thee presents relinquish and quit clam all their rights title and interest in or to the said tract or parcel of land lying an bing in the County of Walton, Containing Two hundred and five & a half acres more or less bounded as follows to with, beginning at a Maple Corner on Williamsons Creek then run South Seventy eight degrees East thirty one chains to a post oak Thence S 730 20 E Sixteen chains to a Hickory Stump thence S 530 300 E, Eleven chains & seventy links to a Post Oak Corner Thence S 270 W thirty one chains to a pine Corner thence N 76 300 Weight Chains to a Poplar Corner thence S 88 W two chains & fifty links to a Pine on an old Road thence with the corner to said Road to the ford near the mouth of a branch running into Wiliamsons Creek thence up and with the meanders of said Creek to the beginning Maple being part of Basil Jone’s 7,160 acre Survey To have and to hold said relinquished premises together with all and Singular the rights members and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Lofton Reeves In Testimony Whereof the part of the first part hath hereunto set their Hand and Seals the day year above written
Joseph W. Patterson
Edward Patterson
George Patterson
Henry Patterson
By their agent and attorney in fact E. L. Thomas
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Absalom Master
Robet Anthony J. P.
Recorded 8 Jan 1842
Jno. P. Lucas
Walton County GA Deed Book N, p. 200Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson.