James Reeves to Byrum J. Blackman
Lancaster County SC
8 April 1843
Deed Book Q p333
James Reeves } Deed for Land
To Byrum J. Blackman }
State of South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Know all men by these presence that I James Reeves of the State and District for an in Consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Byrum J Blackman of the District and State aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released and by these presents do bargain sell and release unto the said B. J. Blackman a certain tract or parcel of land containing sixty Acres be the same more or less as the Annexed plat more fully represents Beginning at a Pine Corner on the Road running N W to a Pine on the Elender Blackman Land from thence S. W. to a maple on the bank of a branch from thence up the branch S. E. to a stake from thence N E to a stake from thence S. E. to Pine from thence N. E. to the beginning corner on Susan Baskin line with all and singular the rights members and appurtanances of the said premises belonging or in any wise Appertaining to have and to hold all the premises before described unto the said B. J. Blackman his heirs and assigns forever and the said James Reeves do hereby bind myself my heirs Executors Administrators to Warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said B J Blackman his heirs and Assigns every other person lawfully claiming or to claim any part thereof, As Witness my hand and seal this 8th day of April in the year of our Lord 1843
Signed Sealed and delivered James Reeves (LS)
in the presence of
Wm J Blackmon
A B Blackman
State of South Carolina }
Lancaster District } Personally Appeared before me A B Blackman and saith upon oath that He saw James Reeves sign seal and deliver the written deed to B. J. Blackman for the use and purposes therein mentioned and that he also saw Wm J Blackman sign the same as a subscribing witness with himself -
Sworn to Before me the 11th Sept 1852
C F Hinson Magst A. B. Blackman
Recorded & Delivered to Jas. A. Blackman 29 Novr 1852