1843 Will - Manasseh Reeve

1843 Will - Manasseh Reeve

1843 Will - Manasseh Reeve


Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
Will Book 3, p112
Dated: 14 Nov 1843
Proved: 15 May 1844


Will of Menesseh Reeves
The last Will and Testament of Menasseh Reeves of Rostraver Township Westmoreland County Pennsylvania. In the name of God I Menasseh Reeves being of sound mind and memory for which thanks be to Almighty God do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows that is to say That an appraisement be made of all my personal and Real estate (except such as are hereinafter mentioned) and my debts be paid including Seven Hundred & ninety two Dollars paid by B. C. Reeves in purchase of land then the rest to be divided into seven eaquel shares -
1st I give to my beloved Wife Margaret one third part of all my personal and real estate - also a certain tract of land situate lying and being in Rostraver Township Westoreland County State of Pa bounded by lands of McGrew J. Burkhamer & James Brown including twenty seven and half acres be the same more or less - to have and to hold for herself her heirs and assigns forever.
2d The rest being divided as aforesaid I give to my daughter Hannah Gruffith one seventh.
3d I give my son Barnes C. one seventh
4 I give Polly Parkhill one seventh
5th I give my Daughter Rhoda one seventh also the Bay Mare called Harriet
6th I give to my Daughter Murtilla one seventh as aforesaid also her choice of any Mare on the farm.
7th I give to my Daughter Murzula one seventh and remaining one seventh to whichsoever of my children my wife Margaret may choose to lean upon for advice and support but it is my desire that Barnes may be the one.
Item My Law Books I give to Barnes C.
Item All my other Books to be divided eaqually
Lastly I appoint Barnes C. Reeves the executor of this my last Will and Testament.
Manasseh Reeve (Seal)

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Menasseh Reeves to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request & in his presence have subscribed our names as witness hereto.
T. R Hazzard } Rostrover Westmoreland C Pa
Jos P Kirk Tuesday 4th Nov 1843
Legally proved and approved this 15th day of May AD 1844 Same day recorded and Letters Testamentary issued to executor. Executor sworn before D. Cook Regr


FamilySearch - Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania Will Book 3, p112