1845 Will - Jesse Reeve

1845 Will - Jesse Reeve

1845 Will - Jesse Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Book 4, p339
Dated: 23 Jul 1845
Proved: 13 Aug 1845


I Jesse Reeve of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York do hereby make publish and declare my last will and testament in manner and form as follows
First I give and bequeath to my wife Polly Reeve after paying the (?) hereinafter directed, and in lieu of her dower and (?) improvement of all my estate both real and personal so long as she shall remain my widow and no longer.
Second I give and devise to my two daughters Sally Cleves and Joanna Petty the sum of seventy dollars each to be paid them in one year after my decease.
Third I give and bequeath to my two daughters Hannah Hallock and Mary Jane Reeve the sum of two hundred dollars each to be paid them in one year after my decease and also to each of them one cow and four sheep and I also direct that they be furnished with clothing, beds and bedding from my house equal in value in the judgment of my said wife to the portions of like articles that have been given to my other daughters Sally Cleves and Joanna Petty also to said Mary Jane a home in my house during her single life.
Fourth After the decease or second marriage of my said wife I give bequeath and devise to my sons James M Reeve, Edward Y Reeve and Henry J Reeve and their heirs to be equally divided between them (excepting the legacies herein before given away) all my estate both real and personal of whatsoever kind and wheresoever found.
Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said wife Polly Executrix and my friends Benjamin G Hallock and Henry Pike Executors of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty third day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty five.
Jesse (his x mark) Reeve (LS)

Signed Sealed published and
declared by the testator to be his last
will and testament in the presence
of us who at his request and in his
presence have hereunto subscribed our
names as witnesses
Sylvester Howell
Edmund Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Book 4, p339