1845 Deed - Smith et al to School Committee
Orange County, North Carolina
Deed Book 32, p. 86-87
2 Sep 1845
This Indenture made this second day of September one thousand Eight hundred & forty five between David Smith, William Smith, Westly Smith, Nancy Reeves wife of Frederick Reeves, Demaris Cheek wife of Morton Cheek, and Sarah Smith heirs of George smith deceased of the one part, and Thomas Cate Lacey Lloyd & Green Andrews acting school committee for Cain Creek meeting house district no 34 of the second part, of the County of Orange & State aforesaid Witnesseth, that the said heirs of George Smith deceast (sic) as aforesaid, hath granted, bargained, sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain & sell unto the said school committee and ther (sic) successors in office forever in consideration of the sum of Eight dollars a certain lot of land situate lying in the County of Orange & being a part of an undevided (sic) tract belonging to the estate of George Smith deceast (sic) on the waters of Collins Creek containing four acres with the privileges of the springe (sic) west of the road, and bounded as follows Begining at a red oak on the public road running from Hillsborough to Jones Ferry runing east 25 rods to black oak, thence south twenty five and a half rods to a black gum, thence west 25 rods to a black oak, thence North with the public roads to the begining containing four acres be the same more or less to have and to hold the said bargained land to the said school committee and there (sic) successers (sic) in office for ever and the said heirs of George Smith deceast doth covinant and grant unto the said school committee and their successors in office the land above mentioned for the use of common school in said district warranting the title of the same against the lawful claims of all persons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said heirs above mentioned doth hereunto set their hands and seals the day & date first above written.Signed sealed & delivered } David (his X mark) Smith (Seal)
n presence of } Wesly Smith (Seal)
W. R. Cheek } Nancy (her X mark) Reeves (Seal)
Tho W. Cate } Sarah (her X mark) Smith (Seal)
William Smith (Seal)
Orange County February Term 1846
The Execution of this Deed was duly proven in open Court by the oath of Thomas Cate a subscribing witness thereto & ordered to be registered.
Test J. Allison CCC
Compd. by A. Minkle (?) PR