1850 Name Change of Malinda Jane Reaves to Yarbrough
1849 Vol. 1 — Page: 326-327
Sequential Number: 389
Full Title: AN ACT to change the name of Malinda Jane Reaves, a (Illegible Text) of Troup county, to Malinda Jane Yarbrough, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and (Illegible Text) after the passage of this act, the name of Malinda Jane Reaves, a female (Illegible Text) of the county of Troup, be and is hereby changed to Malinda Jane Yarbrough; and (Illegible Text) James W. Yarbrough of said county Malinda Jane Reaves as his daughter, and making her capable of inheriting from him as his legal own child according to the statute of distribution of this State; and whereas the said Malinda Jane Reaves is of tender years and quite an infant, destitute, without father or mother, and incapable of taking care of herself:
SECTION 2. Be it therefore enacted by authority aforesaid, That from and immediately after the passage of this (Illegible Text), the said Malinda Jane Reaves be and is hereby adopted as the child of the said James W. Yarbrough, to all legal intents and purposes, that she shall be fully capable of taking, receiving and inheriting the estate both real and personal of the said James W. Yarbrough according to the statute of distribution of this State, and the said James W. Yarbrough shall have and be entitled to the control, management and guardianship of the said Malinda Jane Reaves as fully as if she was his real and legitimate child.
Approval Date: Approved, January 26, 1850.
Source: Georgia Legislative Documents, Galileo Digital Initiative Database, presented in the Digital Library of Georgia, http://metis.galib.uga.edu/ssp/cgi-bin/legis-idx.pl?sessionid=b7f4dfc7-57ee7e4679-7913&type=law&byte=25023817.