
1850-Authority to Operate Ferry Granted Osburn Reaves

1850 - Authority for Osburn Reaves to Operate Ferry in Cass (Bartow) County


1849 Vol. 1 — Page: 176
Sequential Number: 226

Full Title: AN ACT to authorize Osburn Reaves to establish a ferry across the Oostanaula river, in Cass county, on fractions of lots Nos. 322 and 323, lying between the 14th and 15th districts of the third section.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Osburn Reaves of the county of Cass be authorized to establish and keep up a ferry across the Oostanaula river in the county of Cass, on fractions of lots Nos. 322 and 323, lying between the 14th and 15th districts of the third section, which ferry shall be under the same regulations as to the rates of toll that are now charged at the present ferry of the said Osburn Reaves across the said river of Oostanaula in said county; and that the said last mentioned ferry be discontinued, and no longer kept up.

Approval Date: Approved, February 14, 1850.

Source: Georgia Legislative Documents, Galileo Digital Initiative Database, presented in the Digital Library of Georgia, http://metis.galib.uga.edu/ssp/cgi-bin/legis-idx.pl?sessionid=b7f4dfc7-57ee7e4679-7913&type=law&byte=24608564

Contributors to this page: Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 12 of December, 2012 13:30:50 CST by Richard.