1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1771, Folio 37
Living in the Essex Parish of
Beauchamp Roding, the household of William Reve
Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born
William Reve Head Mar 37 Journeyman Blacksmith High Roothing, Essex
Thamer Reve Wife Mar 33 Wife High Roothing, Essex
John Reve Son U 13 Scholar High Roothing, Essex
Jane Reve Dau U 11 Scholar High Roothing, Essex
James Reve Son U 9 Scholar White Roothing, Essex
Sarah Reve Dau U 7 Scholar White Roothing, Essex
Eliza Reve Dau U 5 Scholar White Roothing, Essex
Joseph Reve Son U 1 Scholar Beauchamp Roothing, Essex
1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1771, Folio 37, Page 2, Schedule 9