1851 Census ESS - Reeves, William & household

Reeves, William & household

1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1769, Folio 107 face


Residing at High Street in the Parish of St Mary, Leyton, Essex ....

Transcript or Summary

                     Rel      Cond   Age  Occupation               Where Born
William Reeves       Head     Wid    36   Cornkeeper & Milkman     Leyton, Essex
Esther Reeves        Sister   U      34                            Leyton, Essex
Emily Reeves         Dau      U      11   Scholar                  Leyton, Essex
James Wallis         Nephew   U      18   Servant                  Coggeshall, Essex



1851 Census - HO107, Piece 1769, Folio 107 face, Page 20, Schedule 78