1851 Census - Reeves, Elizabeth

Morris, Edward & household (incl Elizabeth Reeves)

1851 Census


Residing in the household of Edward MORRIS and family (no known relationship) on Ox Row, Salisbury, Wiltshire
Reeves, Elizabeth  Servant unmar  age 18    House Servant            Lower ???, Hants


Based on her age, Elizabeth would have been born around 1833. Elizabeth's place of birth is not clearly written on the enumerator's return. There is a second word following "Lower" which is currently undecipherable.

This individual is currently being researched.


1851 Census: HO107, Piece 1847, Folio 79 face, Page 28
Contributors to this page: MartinB. and system .
Page last modified on Friday 18 of November, 2011 11:48:41 CST by MartinB..