1851 Census ESS - Reeve, Thomas + Martha & household

Reeve, Thomas + Martha & household

1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1706, Folio 274


Living at North Hall in the Essex Parish of Ugley, the household of Thomas Reeve

Transcript or Summary

                     Rel            Cond    Age  Occupation                                      Where Born
Thomas Reeve         Head           Mar     41   Farmer 220 acres employ 13 labourers 7 boys     Hadstock, Essex
Martha Reeve         Wife           Mar     45   Ag Labourer                                     Hadstock, Essex
Ann Reeve            Dau            U       18   Ag Labourer                                     Linton, Cambridgeshire
Mary Reed            Servant        U       16   Ag Labourer                                     Quendon, Essex



1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1706, Folio 274, Page 20, Schedule 64