1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1776, Folio 11
Living at Corders Cottages in the Essex Parish of
Writtle, the household of Joseph Reeve
Transcript or Summary
Rel Cond Age Occupation Where Born
Joseph Reeve Head Mar 60 Ag Labourer Fyfield, Essex
Ann Reeve Wife Mar 45 Hutton, Essex
Eliza Reeve Dau U 18 Writtle, Essex
Elizabeth Reeve Dau U 16 Writtle, Essex
Dina Reeve Dau 8 Scholar Writtle, Essex
Reuben Marden? Lodger U 21 Thatcher Writtle, Essex
1851 Census - HO 107, Piece 1776, Folio 11, Page 14, Schedule 53