1851 Will - Nathan Reeve

1851 Will - Nathan Reeve

1851 Will - Nathan Reeve


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court
Will Liber 5, p318
Dated: 20 Nov 1851
Proved: 23 Apr 1852


Suffolk County SS Be it remembered that at a Surrogates Court held at Riverhead in the County of Suffolk on the 23rd day of April 1852 - Joseph Wells an executor named in the last will and testament of Nathan Reeve late of Riverhead in said County deceased appeared and made proof of the consent of Asaph Youngs as special guardian of Nathan Allen Reeve John A Reeve Mary Reeve and Francis H Reeve and of Abgail Reeve and Hannah C Fanning - to the immediate proof of said will - whereupon the Surrogate proceeded to take proof of the due execution of said will and did adjudge the same to be a valid will of real and personal estate and the proof thereof sufficient which will and proof are as follows, viz

I Nathan Reeve of the town of Riverhead in the County of Suffolk and State of New York do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following
First I give and bequeath unto my wife Abigail Reeve all my house hold furniture and also one cow of her choice
Second I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hannah K. Fanning the sum of Fifty dollars.
Thrice I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary A. Reeve the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to be paid to her when she arrives to the age of eighteen years - but in case she should die before that time without an heir of her body then and in such case it is my will the said sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be paid to my said wife'
Also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary A. Reeve a house in my dwelling house and a comfortable maintenance so long as she may remain single
Fourth I give and bequeath unto my son John A. Reeve the sum of one thousand dollars - the use or interest of the one half of said sum to be appropriated to the support and benefit of my said wife and family until my said son John A Reeve arrives to the age of twenty one years - the use or interest of the other half to be my said sons
Also I give and bequeath unto my said son John A Reeve a home in my dwelling house and a comfortable maintenance until he arrives to the age of twenty one years - provided nevertheless that he shall work on the place with the other boys when at home as is suitable for such boys of his age when in health to do
Fifth I give and bequeath unto my two sons Frances H Reeve and Nathan A. Reeve and to their heirs equally and undivided all the rest residue and remainder of my property of every description of uplands and meadows both and personal after paying thereout all the above mentioned legacies and all my just debts and funeral charges and complying in all and every respect with the foregoing sections of this my last will and testament
Sixth I hereby nominate and appoint my friend Noah Youngs and my brother in law Joseph Wells executors to this my last will and testament to execute the same according to the true intent and meaning thereof hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made ratifying and confirming this only.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one.
Nathan Reeve (LS)
Signed Sealed and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses
Asaph Young of the town of Riverhead
David Downs of the town of Riverhead


Suffolk County, New York Surrogate's Court Will Liber 5, p318