1852 Will - Isaac Reeve
Salem County, New JerseyWill Records 4924
21 Feb 1852
In the name of God, Amen. I Isaac Reeves, of the Township of Upper Alloways Creek, in the County of Salem and State of New Jersey, being weak in body, but of sound mind memory, and understanding, (for which blessing I thank Gd) do make and publish this my last will, and testament, in manner following that is to say; First) It is my will, and I do order, that all my just debts and funeral expences, be duly paid, and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my deceaseItem I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Reeves, for and in lieu to her right of dower at Common law, all that house and lots of improved and unimproved lands, situate part in the township of Upper Pittsgrove in the County of Salem and said House & lot, is also situated part in the township of Upper Alloways Creek said lot is bounded in part by lands of James D Craig, Providence L Sheppard and John G Ballenger, Jr containing by computation six acres of land with the improvements thereon erected, more or less; the unimproved lot of land is situate in the township of Upper Alloways Creek, aforsd and is bounded by lands of George W Janvier, Saml Evanlier, and John Hitchner, containing about seven acres of bush lands more or less; to her for and during her natural life, and after the decease of my said wife, Sarah Reeve, my will is, and I do order the aforesaid two above described lots of lands, to be sold at public sales as soon as conveniently can be done after my said wifes Decease, by the committee can be done after my said wifes decease by the committee of the township of Upper Alloways Creek legally elected, from and after the decease of my said wife as aforesd I give and bequeath the interest on the sum of five hundred dollars, to be put at interest by said committee of said township reserving one percent of said interest for their trouble, unto the Nazareth Methodiste episcopal Church, in said township situate near Watsons, trustees of said church, for the sole use, in keeping up the repairs, of said meeting house and grave yard, fence, and the ballance of said interest to be paid said trustees of said church, annally, by the said Committee of said township of said Upper Alloways Creek, as long as the church, and Graveyard remains as such &c to them, the said committee to be kept at interest by said Committee & their successors in office, forever, as well pay said interest annually over unto said trustees in office forever, and the ballance of the moneys arising from the sales of my two lots of land, above named, my will is and I do order said town committee to pay the same unto my said heirs (Namely) Samuel Reeve, Charles P Reeve, Elmira Collier and Sarah Reeve, share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns forever, and further it is my will, if I should die before I finish the dwelling house now in erection I do order, and Bequeath the same of sixteen hundred Dollars out of the moneys arising from the sales, of my personal and real estate, as herein after directed, unto my executors, herein after named, and appointed, to be finished by them my said executors in a good husbandlike manner, and further it is my will and I do give and bequeath unto my said wife Sarah Reeve, in addition to the two described lots of lands as aforesaid the interest on the sum of two thousand dollars to be put out at Interest by my executors, herein after named and appointed, to be paid to her annually dureing her natural life, and further I give unto my said wife Sarah Reeve her choice of my best horse wagon & harness for one horse, and also the further sum of two hundred dollars in money, or the value thereof to her her heirs and assigns forever, to be paid to her by my executors herein after named, as soon as conveniently can be after my decease, and after the decease of my said wife, I give and bequeath the abovesaid sum of two thousand dollars, unto my son Samuel Reeve, Charles P Reeve, Elmira Collier, late Reeve and Sarah Reeve to be equally divided between them my said heirs, share and share alike, to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Caleb Reeves the sum of fifty Dollars, to be paid to him by my executors herein after named out of the moneys arising from the sales of my real and personal estates as soon as conveniently can be after my decease, to him his heirs, and assigns forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my friend Andrew Haurs? the sum of twenty five dollars, to be paid to him by my executors, herein after named, out of the moneys arising from the sales of my real and personal estates as soon as conveniently can be after my decease to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Reeve the sum of one thousand dollars, provided that he relinquishes and liqudates all claims, that he might make against my estates but and if he should make any demand against my estate by book or otherwise, then it is my will that he may have the sum of five hundred dollars in lieu thereof, to him out of the moneys arising from the sales, of my real and persona estate, by my executors herein after named & appointed (provided always nevertheless) that if the sales of my real and personal estate should fail to pay my intended legacies, to my two sons, and my two daughters, as aforesaid, then it is my will and I do order & request that they be decreased or diminished in the ratios or proportions to the several sums so bequeathed to my said sons and daughters to him my said son Samuel Reeve his heirs and assigns forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Charles P Reeve, the sum of two thousand dollars to be paid to him out of the moneys arising from the sales of my personal and real estates, by my executors herein after named (provided always nevertheless) that if the sales of my real and personal estates, should be insufficient to pay any intended legacies, to my two sons, and two daughters, as aforesd then it is my will and I do request that they be decreased or diminished in the ratio or proportion, to the several sum so bequeathed, to my said sons, and said daughters, to him my said son Charles P Reeve, his heirs and assigns forever to be paid, to my said son Charles by my executors, hereinafter named after he arrives to the age of twenty one years.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elmira Collier, late Reeve, the sum of one thousand Dollars to be paid to her out of the moneys arising from the sales of my real and personal estates, by my executors herein after named, (provided always nevertheless) that if the sales of my real & personal estate should be insufficient to pay my intended legacies to my two sons & two Daughters as aforesaid then it is my will and I do request, that they be decreased or diminished, in the ratio or proportion to the several sums so bequeathed to my said sons and daughters to her my said, Daughter, Elmira Collier, her heirs and assigns forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah S Reeve the sum of two thousand dollars, to be paid to her when she shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, out of the moneys arising from the sales of any real and personal estates, by my executors, herein after named (provided always nevertheless) that if the sales of my real & personal estate should be insufficient to pay my intended legacies to my two sons and two daughters as aforesaid, then it is my will and I do request, that they be decreased, or diminished in the ratio, or proportion to the several sums, so bequeathed, to my said sons and daughters to her her heirs and assigns forever.
Item in case my real and personal estate shall be more than sufficient to pay the debts, and legacies as herein before bequeathed, then the interests of the remainder and residue of any I give and bequeath the lawful interest of the same, unto my loveing wife Sarah Reeve, for and dureing her natural life, to be paid to her annually by my executors, hereinafter named, and after her decease I give and bequeath the said principal and remainder & residue as aforesaid, unto my son Samuel Reeve, Charles P Reeve and Sarah S Reeves, in equal portions, share and share alike, to them their heirs and assigns, forever.
Item in case any of my children should die without leaving lawfull issue, then my will is and I do bequeath their share or shares to the survivors of my said sons Samuel Reeve & Charles P Reeve and Sarah S Reeve to them their heirs and assigns forever
Item it is my will, and I do order and direct that my executors, as hereinafter named and appointed shall sell all my plantations, and farms wheresoever situated lots or pieces of land at public sales, and make good and sufficient deed or deeds, to the purchaser, or purchasers for the same in eighteen months, from my decease, and pay the money out arising from said sales aforesaid to the several legatees, and heirs as herein named as soon as conveniently can be after making said sales and deed or deeds as aforesaid and further it is my will and I do order and direct that the moneys arising from the said sales, or so much thereof shall be loaded out at lawful interest on goods and sufficient security by my executors or the survivors of them, and charge a lawful interest for the same, and pay over the interest annually to the several legatees, or heirs, which are entitled to the same under my said will
Lastly I hereby appoint my trusty and well beloved friends Joseph C Nelson and David D Dare executors of this my last will and testament this twenty first Day of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and fifty two 1852
Isaac Reeve
Signed Sealed published and
Declared by the said Isaac Reeve
to be his testament and last will
Providence L Sheppard
Andrew Hann
George Avin Jr
George Avis Jr one of the witnesses to the within will being duly sworn did depose and say that he saw Isaac Reeve the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the within instrument to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as he knows and as he verily believes and that Providence L Sheppard and Andrew Hann the other two subscribing evidences were present at the same time and signed their names as witnesses to the said will together with this deponent and in the presence of the testator
Sworn before me at Salem }George Avis Jur
the 5th day of March 1852 }
Isaac Hacket Sgt }