Walton Co., GA - 1854 Deed, Loften Reeves to Stinchcomb

1854 Deed - Loften Reeves to Phillip Stinchcomb

1854 Deed - Loften Reeves to Phillip Stinchcomb

Walton County, Georgia
Deed Book R, p. 11
1 Nov 1854

Walton County

This Indenture made the first day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty four between Loften Reeves of the one part and Phillip Stinchcomb of the other part both of the County & State aforesaid Witnesseth that the said Loften Reeves for and in Consideration of the sum of Five hundred dollars to him well and truly paid by the said Phillip Stinchcomb the Receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said Loften Reeves have this day bargained Sold and conveyed released & confirmed & do by these presents bargain Sell release and Confirm Unto the said Phillip Stinchcomb his heirs and assigns all that tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Walton & State aforesaid on Williamsons Creek containing two hundred and Sixty acres be the same More or less bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a Post oak Corner on Thomas’s line thence S. 27o W thirty one Chains to a pine Corner thence N. 76 o 30 o W Eighty chains to a Poplar Corner thence S. 80 o W ten Chains and fifty links to a Pine on an old Road thence with the Course of said Road to the ford near the Mouth of a Branch running into Williamsons Creek thence up & with the mianders of said Creek to an old bum on the Bank of said Creek thence S. E. Course along Strawberry Peppins fence to a Post oak Corner on McCerrins(?) Cherytree Corner on said Thomas’s thence S. W. with said Thomas’s line Eleven Chains & fifty links to the Beginning Post of Basil Jones’s 7160 acre Survey.

To have and to hold said Bargained premises together with all and Singular the rights Members and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Phillip Stinchcomb his heirs and assigns forever. And I the said Loften Reeves will Warrant and defend the same from himself his heirs & assigns and from all other person or persons lawfully Claiming the Same so that the said Phillip Stinchcomb his heirs & assigns Shall have peaceable possession of the aforesaid bargained premises without any Molestation Whatever.

In Witness Whereof the said Loften Reeves has hereunto Set his hand & affixed his Seal this day & year first before written.

Signed Sealed and delivered                                                     Loften (X) Reeves
in Presence of

Thomas C. Whitworth
Wiley Reeves
N. J. N. Stinchcomb

Recorded 6 July 1855.


Walton County GA Deed Book R, p. 11
Photograph of original deed book pages courtesy of Kay Dawson.

Contributors to this page: Beverly and Richard .
Page last modified on Wednesday 31 of July, 2013 09:52:47 CDT by Beverly.