1862 Will - Timothy W. Reeve

1862 Will - Timothy W. Reeve

1862 Will - Timothy W. Reeve


Dated: 10 Jul 1862, New York City, New York County, New York
Probated: 23 Aug 1866, New York County Surrogate's Court
Recorded: New York Will Book 166, p58


This is the Last will of me Timothy W. Reeve of the City of New York, Bookseller
First I direct all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences to be paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease
Second I appoint my wife Mary Jane Reeve and my cousin Samuel Reeve of New York aforesaid merchant tailor executor and executrix of this my will and I also nominate the said Samuel Reeve in connection with my said wife guardian of the persons and estate of my children
Third I give and bequeath to my said wife for her own use and benefit absolutely all and every my household furniture and household effects plate books linen china pictures prints jewelry trinkets and all and every other my personal effects in fact every thing except my stock in trade
Fourth I direct my said executor and executrix to sell and convert into money all and every my stock in trade of Books and publications at such time and on such advertising by auction or if found best by private sale at such convenient time and times as are likely to Realize good grices and I direct that my said wife retain and receive out of the avails of such sale and sales the full sum of Five thousand dollars for her own absolute use and benefit and if before any such sale shall take place my said wife shall require money for household purposes then she is to be at liberty to receive amount on hand or that may be incoming but the same are to be considered as a part of such Five thousand dollars and to be taken into account in relation thereto
Fifth And as to all the residue and remainder of the estate and effects I direct my executrix and executor and the Survivor of them to turn into money any part or portion of the same not already reduced into money and to invest all and every such residue and remainder upon inproved real estate or good and safe government or state securities and apply the interest and dividends to arise therefrom towards the comfort schooling and maintenance of my children up to the respective times that they shall arrive at the age of twenty one years and as and when they respectively arrive at that age then they shall receive and I do hereby bequeatwh to him and her an equal share of the principal monies and securities of such residue and remainder for his or her own absolute use and benefit forever it being my will and intention that all my children shall share equally in all such residue and remainder. But still if any of my children shall die before arriving at the age of twenty one years then the share of the one so dying shall go and be divided equally among the surivivors and who shall take the same at the like time they receive their original shares unless indeed any child so dying before arriving at the age of twenty one years shall leave lawfull issue, for in that case, such issue shall take equally between them the share which their parent if living would have taken
Lastly I hereby revoke all former wills by me at any time made and decalre this to be my last will
In testimony whereof that this is my will contained in three sheets of paper I have hereunto set my hand the first and second sheets thereof and my hand the first and second sheets thereof and my hand and seal to this last sheet the tenth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two.
Timothy W. Reeve (LS)
Signed sealed and published and declared by the said Testator Timothy W Reeve as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses the day and year last above written
Charles Edward Councillor at Law 49 Jane Street New York
A Oldvin Salter Councillor at Law 59 West 27th Street New York


FamilySearch - New York Will Book 166, p59 (Old Liber p83)