1862 Will - Esther Reeve

1862 Will - Esther Reeve

1862 Will - Esther Reeve


Dated: 17 Sep 1862, New York City, New York County, New York
Probated: 10 Oct 1865, New York County Surrogate's Court
Recorded: New York Will Book 162, p131 (Old Liber p155)


This is the last Will of me Esther Reeve of number 155 West Seventeenth Street, New York City, Widow.
First, I direct all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid as satisfied as soon as can be after my decease,
Second, I appoint my son Timothy W. Reeve of New York; Bookseller, and my nephew Samuel Reeve of the same place, merchant tailor, Executors of this my Will.
Third, I give and devise unto my granddaughter Esther Miriam Reeve, one of the children of my said son Timothy W. Reeve the house and lot wherein I reside known as number 155 West Seventeenth Street and to her heirs and assigns forever, and I give and devise unto my granddaughter Corinna Reeve, another of the children of my said son, the house and lot next adjoining the above towards the west and known as number 157 West Seventeenth Street, New York and to her heirs and assigns forever. But I direct my said executors and the survivor of them to let or lease both the said houses and lots and collect the rents and as and when three hundred dollars shall have arisen from such rents of house and lot no. 155 West Seventeenth Street the same shall be invested for and held to the credit of my said granddaughter Corinna. I do this because the house she is to take is not worth so much as the other and I wish to make both my grand children equal in what I devise and bequeath, and my executors and the survivor of them is and are to continue to collect all the rents of both houses and invest the same at interest until the eldest of the said grandchildren shall attain the age of twenty one years and then she is to be put in possession o said house and lot number 155 West Seventeenth Street and also of the rents and accumulated interest thereon, less the Three hundred dollars which I have directed should be first deducted for equality and the rents of the house and lot number 157 West Seventeenth Street are to be, in the same manner, invested and paid over to Corinna when she arrives at twenty one and at which time she is to be put in possession of such house and lot. But if it should happen that either of my said grand daughters shall depart this life before attaining the age of twenty one years, then I declare that there shall be survivorship between them so that the house and lot and its rents and interest devised to the one so dying under age shall go to the survivor of them and her heirs and she be put in possession and receipt of all the same at the same time she takes her original share, namely, at the age of twenty one years.
Fourth, There is a sum of one hundred dollars standing in my name in the Bowery Savings Bank, New York City in the City of New York and I give and bequeath the same and all present and future interest thereof unto my said granddaughter Esther Miriam, she to receive and take the same when she arrives at twenty one years and I request her to lay out all the same in Silver plate. There is a like sum of one hundred dollars standing in my name in the Manhattan Savings Bank New York City - And I give and bequeath the same and all present and further interest thereof unto my said granddaughter Corinna Reeve. She to receive and take the same when she arrives at twenty one years and I request her, also, to lay out all the same in Silver Plate,
Fifth, And I give and bequeath all and every the residue and remainder of my estate and property unto and to the use and benefit of my said two grand daughters Esther Miriam and Corinna Reeve their executors, Administrators and assigns forever, my executors, however, holding all and every the same until and as the said Grand children attain the age of twenty one years, and then make an equal division between them. And it is my will that if either of my said grand children happen to die before attaining the age of twenty one years, then there shall be benefit between them as well in relation to the said monies in the savings Bank and my real estate as to my residuary and remaining estate, property and effects.
Lastly, I revoke all former wills by me at any time made and declare this to be my last Will. In testimony that this is my last Will I have hereunto set my hand to the first, second and third sheets thereof and to this fourth and last sheet my hand and seal the seventeenth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty two.
Esther Reeve (L S)

Signed Sealed, published and declared by the said Testatrix Esther Reeve as and for her last Will in the presence of us who in her presence, at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our hands as witnesses the day and year last above written.
Geo W. Mercer 161 W. 17th St. T. W. Reeve 155 W. 17th St.


FamilySearch - New York Will Book 162, p131 (Old Liber p155)