1865 Will - George Reaves

1865 Will - George Reaves

1865 Will - George Reaves


Greene County, Tennessee
Will Book 1, p598
29 Dec 1865


In the name of God, Amen. I George Reaves of the County of Greene and State of Tennessee, Being weak of body But of sound mind and disposing Memory do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament.
First I will and bequeath my farm that I now live on of 11? acres of land to my four Daughters that are now living with me to wit Sophi, Martha, Nelly, and Cynthia to have and hold equally together, as long as they can make a living on said farm. But at anytime by all four ? to sell said farm and divide the sale money into four equal shares among themselves. But the privilege is not granted to any one of my four daughters to sell their share of said land to any other than these it is willed to and if they should do so I will that the sale shall be null and void
Secondly I will and bequeath to my Daughter Sophia one sorrell mare named Nell and one white cow named Mopy by name. I will that the black mare remain on the farm for the benefit of my four Daughters.
Thirdly I will and bequeath that my waggon and all the farming tools with and herein and ? together with a set of blacksmith tools I will to remain on the farm for the benefit of my four Daughters that now live with me.
Fourthly I will and bequeath all other things not mentioned in this will I will and bequeath to my four Daughters that are now living with me to enable them to pay what debts I may be owin, and my funeral expenses.
Fifthly I will and desire that my four Daughters that are now living with me pay to my sons William A. Reaves & James G. Reaves and to my Daughters Nancy Jane Rambo & Louisa Kirk each five Dollars within four years after my death also to pay to my grandson James Crum five Dollars and to my other three Grandsons William Ruble John C Ruble and George Ruble Each Two dollars within four years after my death.
Sixthly I appoint to my son James G. Reaves my executor to this my last will and Testament on the 29 day December 1865.
Signed in the presence ofGeorge Reaves (Seal)
William Cavener
Thomas Hughes


FamilySearch - Greene County, Tennessee Will Book 1, p598