1867 - Petition to Sell Land of John Reeve
Estate John Reeve Decd
Probate Court V29, p. 581-580
State of Mississippi §
Amite County §
Please before the Hon. R. M. Neilson
Judge of the Probate Court of the County of Amite
and State aforesaid at a term of said Court began and held at the
Court house of said County on the second
Monday in Jan A.D. 1868 -
Be it remembered that heretofore towit, at a term of said Court began and held at the Court House of said County in the second Monday in September A.D. 1867, William L. Johns & William L. Ewell Exrs of the last Will & Testament of John Reeve deceased fixed in our said Court their certain petition for sale of Land of said decd. which said petition is in the words & figures following to wit -
To the Honorable Richard M. Neilson Judge of the Probate Court in & for the County of Amite - State of Mississippi - September Term 1867
The Petition of W. L. Johns & William L. Ewell Executors of the last Will & Testament of John Reeve deceased respectfully shows unto your Honor that their testator in his said Last Will & testament directed all his real Estate to be sold upon a credit of one & two years at such time as the same could be sold for a fair price. Your Petitioners further show unto your Honor that the said John Reeve died seized & possessed of the following Lands lying & being situate in the County of Amite & --own (?) as follows To wit - The East half (E 1/2) of Section 17 Township one of Range two East containing 316.80 acres - The North half (N 1/2) of Section 29 & the South East Quarter (S.E. 1/4) of the same Section in Township one of Range two East containing 396 acres - and the North East Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 30 in Township one of Range two East containing 158 acres - Also Section twenty eight (28) in Township one of Range three East containing 332 acres - That the said John Reeve also died possessed of the following Leasehold Lands the base now having about Eighty (80) years to run. To wit - The North half and part of the South East Quarter of Section 16 (?) in Township one of Range two East containing 460 acres - Your Petitioners further show unto your Honor that they believe said Lands can at this time be sold for a fair price, probably for a better price than at any other time for many years to come. That they will be at great expense in Keeping up the place and believe that it will be injurious to the interest of the Legatees for your Petitioners to cultivate said Lands another year. Petitioners further show unto your Honor that by the Last Will & Testament of the said John Reeve deceased he directed all his estate both real & personal to be sold & the proceeds to be divided among the heirs of his deceased Sisters Susannah Bagget & Sarah Englet, the heirs of his half brother Thomas Reeve & his half Sister Polly Hardin and the child of his deceased Sister Rebecca Hardin viz Nancy Adkins. That the names & places of residence of all of said legatees except Nancy Adkins who resides in this County are unknown but believed to be beyond the State of Mississippi. The heirs of Thomas Reeve deceased are believed to reside in the State of Louisiana and probably a part of them in the State of Texas -
The premises being considered your petitioners pray that upon the final hearing of this cause your Honor may order & decree that the Lands of the said John Reeve deceased be sold agreeably to the Last Will & Testament of said deceased. And to make such other & further orders as to your Honor may seem meet & proper in the premises.
And as in duly bound &c -
William L. Johns
B. A. Johns § William L. Ewell
SOC? §
In the Probate Court §
Septr Term 1867 § William L. Johns & William L. Ewell in Open Court on oath say that the matters & things in the foregoing petition are true as the (sic?) verily believe -
Sworn to in Open Court § W. L. Johns
Sept 11th 1867 § W. L. Ewell
R. M. Neilson J Probt §
And now at a term of the Court aforesaid To wit at the Sept term 1867 said Court caused an order to be made in the words & figures following towit in the matter of the Petition of
W. L. Johns & W. L. Ewell Exrs. of §
John Reeve Decd for sale of Land § Upon reading and filing said Petition it is ordered that Citation issue to Amite County for Nancy Adkins commanding her to be & appear in this Court at the next Nov. Term to show cause if any she can why the prayer of said Petition should not be granted And that publication be made in the Liberty Advocate for four weeks Citing the unknown heirs of Susannah Bagget Decd the unknown heirs of Sarah Englet Decd, the unknown heirs of Thomas Reeve Decd & the unknown heirs of Polly Hardin Decd. All the above named parties to be and appear in this Court at the next Novr Term thereof to show cause if any they can why the prayer of said Petition should not be granted an a Decree made then according by Which said Citation together with the Sheriff return and publication and proof (?) thereof are in the words & figures following To wit -
The State of Mississippi Amite County -
The State of Mississippi
To the Sheriff of Amite County - Greeting You are hereby commanded to Cite of your County to be and personally appear before the Probate Court of Amite County on the second Monday in Novr next then and there to answer the Petition of W. L. Johns and W. L. Ewell Exrsd of John Reeve Decd for sale of Land and to show cause if any she can why the prayer & said petition should not be granted which said Petition is on file in ? said Court, and for hearing at the said Novr Term 1867 of said Court. And further to do and suffer such other things as shall be considered and ordered by the Court aforesaid in the premises.
And have them there this Writ (?)
Witness the Honorable Richard M. Neilson Judge of said Court,
at the Court House of said County on the Second Monday in
Sept A.D. 1867
A. J. Whittington Clerk
D. C. Bramlett Dep Clerk
Issued 17 Sepr 1867
Sheriff’s Return
Personally served on the within defendant this Oct the 8th 1867
Peter Ratcliff Shff
By J. E. Jayens (?) Dep Sheff
The State of Mississippi §
Amite County §
The State of Mississippi
To the unknown heirs of Susannah Bagget Deceased
To the unknown Heirs of Sara Englett - Deceased
To the unknown Heirs of Thomas Reeve Deceased
To the unknown Heirs of Polly Hardin Deceased
You are hereby Cited to be and personally appear before the Probate of Amite County on the Second Monday Monday in November A.D. 1867, then and there to answer the petition of William L. Johns and William L. Ewell, Executors of John Reeve, Deceased for the sale of Lands belonging to the Estate of said Decedent described in said petition, which said petition is on file in our said Court and for hearing at the said November Term A.D. 1867, then and there to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted, and a decree made thereon accordingly, And further to do and to suffer such other things as shall be considered and ordered by the Court aforesaid in the premises.
Witness the Honorable Richard M. Neilson Judge of said Court at the
(Seal) Court House of said County on the second Monday in September, in
the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven
& sined (?) 13th day of September 1867
A. J. Whittington Clerk