Appt of Guardian - Orphans of Jasper Reeves
Georgia § Know all men by these presents that we ThompsonWalton County § Reeves and J. E. Bradberry Acknowledge ourselves
Jointly and Severally bound unto Jesse Mitchell
Ordinary of said County and his successors and assigns as the just & full sum of Four Hundred dollars to the true payment of which will and truly to be made we bind ourselves and the heirs and Executors of us and each of us jointly and Severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our Seals and dated this 7 day of March 1870
The Condition of the above bond or obligation is such that if the above bound Thompson Reeves who is this day appointed guardian of the persons and property of Charles Reeves Elijah Reeves and Jasper Reeves orphan children of Jasper Reeves deceased, he Acknowledging of the same by his acceptance of said appointment and letters of Guardianship of this date shall well and truly maintain clothe and Educate said orphans according to their Circumstances and shall take good and lawful care of their persons and property, according to the laws of this State and shall Annually make a just and true returns of all his actings and doings herein unto the said Ordinary and pay over all assets (sic), that may remain in his hands when said Guardianship shall legally terminate thru this obligation to be void else to remain in full force.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the day & year above written
Signed Sealed & Acknowledged § Thompson Reeves (LS)
In Presence of § J. E. Bradberry (LS)
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary §
Approved & ordered to record March 7th 1870
Jesse Mitchell Ordinary
Recorded March 10th 1870
Jesse Mitchell