1871 Will - Catherine A. Reeves

1871 Will - Catherine A. Reeves

1871 Will - Catherine A. Reeves


Dated: 28 Nov 1871, New York City, New York County, New York
Probated: 3 May 1872, New York County Surrogate's Court
Recorded: New York Will Book 199, p434


In the Name of God Amen I Catherine A Reeves wife of John T Reeves of No 58 West 12th Street in the City of New York being weak and disordered in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory and being possessed of a ? estate which I am desirous of disposing of in a manner hear calculated to promote the true interests? of the beloved members of my family who I may leave behind me I do therefore make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following hereby revoking all former wills by me made
First I give and bequeath unto my beloved son John T Reeves Junior the sum of Ten? thousand dollars which I desire shall be paid at my death and of the bonds and stocks of the Government of the United States which I may hold at the time of my death
Second I give and bequeath unto my beloved husband John T Reeves all the rest and residue of my personal property estate bonds stocks goods & cattles of every name and description absolutely and in fee simple
Third I give and devise unto my husband John T Reeves all the lands tenements and real estate of which I shall be seized or possessed at the time of my decease to have and to hold the same and all the rents issues profits and ? thereof to his own absolute use during the natural life of my said husband and in case the said John T Reeves senior shall during his said life become impoverished and shall in his opinion need the proceeds of said real estate for his comfortable support then I authorize and empower him to sell all or any part of said real estate and to execute to the purchaser or purchasers thereof good and sufficient deeds in the law to convey the same and vest a good and absolute title thereto to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and I authorize the said John T Reeves senior to use and expend so much of the proceeds of said sale as may be necessary for his comfortable support during his natural life holding the overplus if any subject to the following provisions of this my last Will and Testament
Fourth If at the death of my said husband my said lands tenements and real estate of which I shall die seized or any part thereof shall remain unsold then I give devise and bequeath the same to my beloved son John T Reeves Junior in fee simple to have and to hold the same to my said son his heirs and assigns forever and in case the same or any part of it has been sold under the above power then I give and bequeath all of the proceeds thereof which shall remain ? at the death of my said husband
Fifth I hereby nominate and appoint the said John T Reeves senior sole executor of this my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty eighth day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy one.
Catharine A Reeves (LS)

We certify that the above named testatrix signed the above instrument in the presence of each of us that at the same time she declared that instrument to be her last Will and Testament &? as she requested us and each of us to witness the execution of the same by her and we have severally subscribed our names hereto as such witnesses in her presence and in the presence of each other
R F Celow? 216 W? 28th St NY
Levi S Chatfield W? 445 W 47th St NY


FamilySearch - New York Will Book 199, p434