Will of Peter M. Reeves
Warren County, Kentucky
Will Records Vol. 4, pg 349-350
Written 29 Feb 1882
Probated 22 May 1882
I, P. M. Reeves of the County of Warren and State of Kentucky on this the 29th day of February 1882 In view of the uncertainty of life, and being feeble in health of body (though sound in mind,) hereby make and publish this to be my last will and testament, revoking all other wills heretofore made by me.First, it is my will that after my death all my just debts be paid with funeral expenses included.
Second, I will and bequeath to Sarah A. Reeves (my wife) my entire estate real and personal, To have hold own and use as she may choose or think best during her life time.
Third, It is my will that after the death of my said wife all the land we now own and all the personal property, then remaining be sold and the money distributed as may then be legally required to pay off an execution against myself as security and M.P. Scott Principal in favor of the heirs of Mark Phelps be used for that purpose.
Then fourthly It is my will that all the money then of my estate remaining on hand be equally divided between our five children or their heirs (namely) The heirs of Elizabeth Phelps, Polly Ann Phelps, James H. Reeves, George C. Reeves, Zerilda P. Scott.
Fifth It is my will that Sarah A. Reeves my wife and James H. Reeves (my son) execute this my last will and testament.
And I hereby request and pray the court of my said county and state to require no security on the bond to be given by those whom I have herein appointed to execute this my last will.
Given under my hand the day and year above written.
P. M. ( X ) Reeves
Witnesses J. H. Otey
Wm T. Hazle
Edward E. Higganbotham