1882 Will - Henry Reeve

1882 Will - Henry Reeve

1882 Will - Henry Reeve


Dated: 15 Jul 1882 (Codicil, 3 Dec 1884), New York, New York County, New York
Probated: New York County Surrogate's Court, 22 Sep 1887
Recorded: New York Will Book 348, p23


I Henry Reeve of the City, County and State of New York, do make publish and declare my Last Will and Testament as follows
First I do hereby appoint Hamilton Blydenburgh, Richard Montgomery Nichols, and my wife Sarah Reeve, executors and executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby direct them after my death to pay all my lawful debts and funeral charges, and I do hereby expressly authorize them, and the survivor of them, whenever they shall deem it advisable for any of the purposes of this will, from time to time, to sell, lease, or mortgage my real estate, or any part thereof, and to execute proper conveyances and instruments therefor
Second I do hereby give to my said wife Sarah Reeve, my watch.
Third All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real and personal, of which I shall die seized or possessed, or be in any wise entitled to, I do hereby give, devise and bequeath as follows, one half thereof I give, devise, and bequeath unto my said wife, Sarah Reeve, absolutely, and to be in lien of all and every claim of dower. One quarter thereof, I give devise and bequeath unto my only son, absolutely, and as to the remaining one quarter thereof I give devise and bequeath the same unto my only daughter, when she shall arrive at the age of twenty five years; and until that time, provided she shall live so long, the said one quarter of my residuary estate, shall be held by my said executors and so much of the income accruing, and to acrue thereon, as mya be necessary for the support education, and maintenance of my said daughter, shall be paid by my said executors to the guardian of my said daughter, herein after appointed, to be so applied, by such guardian, and the remainder of said income shall be by my said executors accumulated for the benefit of my said daughter, and the whole of the accumulations shall be paid to her on her attaining the age of twenty one years, and when my said daughter shall attain the age of twenty one years, she shall be entitled to receive the income accruing on the said one quarter of my residuary estate, which income shall be paid to her by my said executors in equal half yearly portions. And in case my said daughter shall die before attaining the age of twenty five years, leaving lawful issue, I give devise and bequeath the said one quarter of my residuary estate to her said lawful issue, absolutely, and in case there shall be no lawful issue then living, I give, devise, and bequeath the said one quarter of my said residuary estate, to my said son absolutely.
Fourth I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint, my said wife, the Guardian of my infant daughter during her minority; and in case my said wife shall die before my said daughter shall have attained the age of twenty one years, I do hereby appoint Richard Montgomery Nichols, of the City of New York, one of my executors, to be upon the death of my said wife, the Guardian of my said daughter.
And for the more effectual carrying out the purposes of this will, my said executors are hereby authorized and directed to invest, reinvest and keep invested one quarter of my residuary estate in such securities upon bonds and mortgages on productive property, or in such stocks or other securities as to them shall seem proper.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fifteenth day of July One Thousand eight hundred and eighty two
Henry Reeve (LS)

Subscribed, Sealed published and declared by Henry Reeve, the testator, in the foregoing will named, in the presence of each of us, the undersigned attesting witnesses to said Last Will and Testament; the said Henry Reeve, at the time of making the said subscription declaring to each of us the instrument so subscribed by him was his Last Will and Testament and we, the said attesting witnesses, and each of us signing or names hereto with our respective places of residence, at the request of the testator in his presence and in the presence of each other
W G Ulshoeffer 140 Fifth Ave New York City
Amelia S A Reeve 183 South 5th St Brooklyn E. D.

A codicil to the Last Will and Testament of Henry Reeve of the City of New York
Whereas, I, Henry Reeve have heretofore and on the fifteenth day of July 1882 made my last will and testament, wherein I appointed Hamilton Blydenburgh to be one of the executors thereof, and whereas the said Hamilton Blydenburgh has since died, now I do hereby appoint my son Edward Reeve to be an executor of my said will in place of and with the same powers give unto the said Hamilton Blydenburgh, and I do hereby declare that my said will shall be construed and take effect as if the name of the said Edward Reeve were inserted in my said will throughout instead of the name of the said Hamilton Blydenburgh, and in all other respects I do confirm my said Will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third (3) day of December 1884
Henry Reeve (LS)

Signed Sealed Published and declared by the above named testator Henry Reeve as and for a codicil to his last Will and testament in the presence of us and we at the same time, at his request, and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed out names as witnesses thereto
Charles R Bard residing at 246 West 44th St New York
Charles Loring residing at 160 East 26th St New York


FamilySearch - New York Will Book 394, p135