
1892 Will of Ann Jane Reaves

Will of Ann Jane Reaves

Duplin County 1892
Book 4
Image 264-265
Page 405-406

I Ann Jane Reaves of the County of Duplin and State of North Carolina being of sound mind do declare the following to be my last Will and Testament.

First: I direct that all my necessary funeral expenses and al lmy just debts if I owe any at my decease shall be paid before any division of my property is made.

Second: I will and bequeath to my son in law Joseph D. Joes the sum of one Dolar.

Third: I direct the remainder of any property after paying my funeral expenses and all my just debts if any and the foregoing bequests of One Dollar to Joseph D. Jones, shall be divided into five equal shares and disposed of as follows:

First. To my son John B. Reaves, one of the five equal above.

Second. To my son Lewis H. Reaves one of the five equal shares.

Third. To my daughter Mary Catherine Jones wife of W. J. Jones one of the five equal shares.

Fourth. To James D. Loftin one of the five equal shares to hold the same in trust for the benefit of the children of my son George L. Reaves, decd, that may survive me. And I further direct that he shall use the same for het purpose of educating the said children of Geo. L. Reaves Dec'd and give him full power to sue the principal and interest to the best of his Judgment. And in the event of the failure of the said Jame D. Loftin from any cause to accept said trust, then I direct that another Trustee be appointed in his stead by due course of law.

Given under my hand and seal this 18th day of October A. D. 1889.

                                                                      Ann (mark) Jane Reaves

The foregoing instrument was signed
and declared to be a last Will and
Testament in the presence of
J. B. Oliver
J. D. Southerland

Proved April 14, 1892

Ann Jane Southerland Reaves was the widow of David Reaves.