1898 Deed - Amanda Jane Blackmon to Jefferson J. Reeves
Lancaster County SC29 October 1898
Deed Book Q p111
Amanda Jane Blackmon }
To } Title to Real Estate
Jefferson J. Reeves }
The State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I Amanda Jane Blackmon of Lancaster County in the State aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of Forty ($40.00) Dollars to be paid me Annually, during my natural life, the same to be due and payable, on or before the first day of December if each year by Jefferson J. Reeves, also fo said County and State; the crops or crops annually raised on the land hereinafter described to stand pledged for the payment of the said annual sum of forty dollars, and in the event of the failure of the said Jefferson J. Reeves his heirs or assigns to make payment of said sum of forty dollars in any one year when due then this conveyance to be absolutely null and void have granted, bargained sold and released, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Jefferson J. Reeves, the following described trat of land, situate lying and being in Pleasant Hill Township in the County of Lancaster in the State of South Carolina, containing thirty seven and one fourth (37 1/4) acres and bounded as follow: on the north by lands of M. J. Baskins; South and East by lands of J. H. Blackmon, and West by Wylie lands. Together with all and singular, the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances, to the said premises, belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. To Have and to Hold, all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Jefferson J. Reeves, his heirs and assigns forever; And do hereby bind myself and my heirs Executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Jefferson J. Reeves, his heirs and assigns, against myself and my heirs, or any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this the 29th day of October A. D. 1898.
Signed Sealed and delivered }Amanda J. Blackmon (LS)
in the presence of }
D. F. Roberts }
J. T. Baskins }
The State of South Carolina }
County of Lancaster } Personally appeared before me J. T. Baskins, and made oath that he saw Amanda Jane Blackmon sign seal and deliver the above conveyance for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that he with D. F. Roberts in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution thereof.
Sworn to before me this }J. T. Baskins
18th day of March A. D. 1908 }
J. F. Gregory }
C C C L C }