1906 - Wrong Twin The Bride

The Richmond Climax

February 14, 1906


That is What the Husband Fears
After the Ceremony is Over -
May Sue for Divorce.

Lockport, N.Y. - Was Mrs. Harold Reeves Miss Carrie or Miss Louise Merrill before her marriage is the question that is worrying Harold Reeves of Olcott Beach. Reeves is investigating, with a view toward finding just which one of the Merrill sisters, as much alike as two peas in the pod, he took for his lawful wife on the night of December 2 in the Merrill homestead at Olcott Beach. If he establishes to a certainty that Louise was palmed off upon him for Carrie he will bring suit for divorce.

Reeves is sure that it was Carrie he courted all last summer for the reason that Louise was in Buffalo, but she returned a week before the ceremony to assist in the wedding preparations. When the two girls were together in a room Reeves could not for the life of him distinguish Louise from his fiancée. Taking the girl's word for it, he was satisfied that he was taking Carrie for his life partner when he stood up before the clergyman with one of the twins.

After his marriage he found that Carrie could not sing with her wonted sweetness. The more he has thought about it the more he has become convinced that he was the victim of a hoax. Mrs. Reeves insists that she is Carrie and explains that hubby hears her warbling through different ears now that his courting days are over. Reeves is going to sift the matter to the bottom, however.

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