Motcombe, Dorset, ENgland


Motcombe, Dorset


Parish Church

The Parish (CofE) Church is St Mary, Motcombe, which can be found here on Google Street View

Parish Registers

The Dorset Online Parish Clerks website has a comprehensive listing of registers fro Motcombe at http://www.opcdorset.org/MotcombeFiles/Motcombe.htm (accessed September 2018)

Adjacent (pre 1832) Parishes

Unless otherwise indicted the following adjacent parishes are in Dorset - ancient parish status to be confirmed
To the north and east Mere, Wiltshire, Sedgehill, Wiltshire, Semley, Wiltshire and Donhead St Mary with Charleton, Wiltshire. To the south are Holy Trinity Shaftesbury, St James Shatfesbury and Stour Provost. To the west is East Stour. To the west and north is Gillingham.

Gleanings From

Contributors to this page: MartinB. .
Page last modified on Friday 14 of September, 2018 06:42:45 CDT by MartinB..