
Ashe Co., NC - Reeves Chronology

Information regarding individuals named Reeves and the many variants of that surname has been collected for many counties of the southeastern United States and compiled into a series of so-called "chronologies". These documents contain abstracted information from a wide variety of sources and have been grouped in chronological order, by county.

The chronologies are by no means complete, but represent an ongoing project to collect as much information as possible about all Reeves in a particular locale. The goal is to provide a reference source to assist researchers in conducting more detailed research on their own ancestors. Users are cautioned against using these data as proof, but as pointers for more detailed analysis. Importantly, users are encouraged to share the results of their analysis on the Reeves Project Wiki.

The chronology for this county is found in the following attachment:

Table of contents:
Contributors to this page: @TRP-GC , Richard and system .
Page last modified on Monday 28 of May, 2012 01:46:14 CDT by @TRP-GC.