North Carolina » Wayne Co., NC » Wayne Co., NC Deed Register Table of contents: 1780 to 1795 Land Entries and Claims 1783 Deed - William Reaves to Joel Sasser 1786 NC Grant 166 to William Reaves 1786 NC Grant 183 to William Reaves 1786 NC Grant 176 to William Reaves 1786 NC Grant 243 to John Reaves 1786 Sale from Thomas Gray to William Reaves (Jr.) 1789 Deed - William Reaves Sr. to John Reaves 1792 Deed - John Reaves to Adam Reaves, Sr. 1792 Deed - John Reaves to Adam Reaves 1792 Sale from Uriah Bass to William Reaves, Jr. 1792 Sale from Joseph Green to John Reaves 1794 NC Grant to Adam Reaves 1794 NC Grant to Jesse Reaves 1794 NC Grant to Adam Reaves Sr 1782 NC Grant to William Reaves 1800 - Stephen Pipkin to John Reaves of Sampson County 1801 Deed from Adam Reaves to Lovett Reaves 1803 Deed from Samuel Herring to Jesse Reaves of Duplin Co 1803 Deed - Jesse Reaves to Stephen Reaves 1804 NC Grant to Stephen Reaves 1804 Deed from Jesse Reaves of Duplin to Thomas Brown 1804 Deed from Stephen Collier to Stephen Reaves 1805 Deed from Frederick Grantham to John Reaves 1805 Deed from John Reaves to Solomon Grantham 1805 - Deed from Solomon Grantham to John Reaves 1807 Deed from Lee Reeves of Hancock Co., GA to Stephen Reaves 1807 Deed from Lee Reaves of Hancock Co., GA to Stephen Reaves 1807 Deed from Lovett Reaves to Stephen Reaves 1811 - Deed from Lovett Reaves to Bryan Carraway 1811 - Deed (2) from Lovett Reaves to Bryan Carraway 1812 - Deed from Adam Reaves to Jesse Slocumb 1815 - Deed from Stephen Reaves to Solomon Revil 1816 - Deed from Adam Reaves to Jesse Slocumb 1832 Deed - Thomas Reaves et al to Harris