Reeve, Josiah, Jr. (c1784 - 1812)

Reeve, Josiah, Jr.

Reeve, Josiah, Jr.


Father: Josiah Reeve
Mother: Juliana Young

Birth: c1784
Birth Source: Obituary

Death: 14 Jun 1812, Riverhead, Suffolk County, New York
Death Source: Obituary

Spouse1: Deborah


The Columbian, 9 Jul 1812
Died, at Riverhead, on the 14th ult. Mr. JOSIAH REEVE, jun. esq. aged 28 years.
This man is truly and deservedly lamented by all who knew him. From a child he sustained as far, perhaps, as is practicable with human nature, an unblemished character. He was one of those distinguished few, who, in the progress of life, with becoming humility and steadiness, step over the intermediate space of boyhood, and unite (as it were) childhood with manhood. Hence, in the judgment of discerning men, he was selected very early in life for peculiar honors and usefulness; and in the last eight or ten years of his life the expectations and fond hopes of his respectable friends and acquaintance were more than realised. His talents, as a man of genius, correct thought, and sound judgment, ranked among the first; and possessing the advantages of a good education, he was for several years eminently useful as a preceptor of the youth in the place of his nativity. A number of young men, who had been favored with his instruction, distinguished themselves at his funeral by their peculiar and marked attention; manifesting with grief and solemnity, their love, gratitude and high respect. As a magistrate, he (though young) acted his part with uncommon facility and integrity, and shewed a due regard for the rights of his fellow creatures, and the support of good order and peace in society - having the fear of God before his eyes. He was not only the counsellor of the aggressor and defendant, but in a measure the oracle of his seniors, standing on similar ground performing public service; and the public esteem and confidence which he had, together with his growing talents and virtues, seemed to point out for him some of the most important and honorable posts in the government of the state and nation. But, alas! his usefulness in the world can no longer with pleasure be experienced or anticipated - it is forever at an end; and by his death not only the public have lost a friend and the civil laws a supporter, but the laws of God have lost an advocate - the church of Christ is bereaved of an upright useful member, whose life and conversation adorned the doctrines of the Saviour. And his more intimate connections feel more forcibly from natural ties the sundering stroke - affectionate brothers and sisters mingle their tears with the tide of sorrow that flows from the broken heart of parents, and all unite in lamentation with the young and virtuous widow, whose swoln bosom heaves the deep sigh of unconsoled grief. But here let us stop, and listen to the voice of God - "My ways are not as your ways, saith the Lord, therefore be still, and know that I am God."

Letters of Administration for Josiah Reeve are found in Liber D, p21:
  • To Josiah Reeve, father of Josiah Reeve, Jr., late of Riverhead, merchant, deceased. December 2tst, 1812.

From Abstracts of Suffolk County Probate Records:
  • JOSIAH REEVE, Jr., of Riverhead. 21 Dec 1812. Adm: father Josiah Reeve. Widow Deborah declines. Bond: William Corwin, Joshua Terry, all of Rivehead. p 21, file 1024.

Research Notes


Death:        Obituary, The Columbian, 9 Jul 1812

Moore, Charles Benjamin. Historical address of Charles B. Moore...before a meeting of the town and church of Southold, L.I., in Aug. 1890, p78
Vanburen, Elizabeth R. Intestate Records of Suffolk County Recorded at Riverhead, N. Y. Liber D, p3