TRP News - 1 February 2011

February 2011 - Countdown to Launch - 5,4

Wiki Stats - End January 2011

January has been a slightly quieter month in the Wiki, although we did pass the 2500 wiki pages milestone on 6 January. The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 Feb 2011) has grown to 2573 (previously 2439, 2144, 1683), a modest increase of 134 pages. Of these 900 pages (was 859, 817, 577) begin with the letter R and are probably related to a R*v*s individual and 259 pages (244, 213, 197) begin with a number, so are probably a date related gleaning.

As part of my efforts to make Categories more useful (see below), I went through all the pages I could identify as being about individuals and made sure they were assigned to the "People" category. (Many which weren't correctly categorised were mine - opps). We currently have 1191 wiki pages categorised as "People" of which 881 begin with the letter R.

Counting Down to Launch

This month I've made a couple of major technical strides forward in preparing the Reeves Project Wiki for a more public launch from our current stealth mode. The new Wiki Home Page is now live and hopefully hasn't caused anybody any problems.
I now also understand how, using the permissions model built into the Tiki software, we can make a very few Wiki pages publicly readable without additionally disclosing the content of the other wiki pages you have all worked so hard to create within TRP.

If you have yet to review the wiki page Drafts of the Proposed Externally Facing Pages and the pages linked from the table within that page, I'd encourage you to do so. I'm an IT nerd, not a marketing whiz and other perspectives are very much encouraged.
For example, the draft "About Us" page says "This is not family tree software". So might we benefit from having a couple of linked sample person pages viewable to show what the wiki does hold?
Updated 26 March 2011. Removed link to deleted draft page. Sample person pages not now required, given the community has chosen to make Wiki pages visible to anonymous users

Categories Refresh

I also got my thoughts together on what we might do with the Categories. If you need a reminder please see Categories Update proposal. Based on the limited feedback, I've gone ahead and removed the majority of the unused categories and have added the first of the new categories for Military Service. Its good to see its attracted 20 entries already. There is also a new FAQ which aims to explain how to use this category and its sub-categories.

New Wiki Page Name Search Feature

You may also have noticed a new search box at the top of the right hand column. That seems to have addressed an important issue raised about search not seeming to find the pages we are looking for. Having two separate search mechanisms isn't ideal, but at least we can now find both pages and content containing specific words with some confidence.

Martin's Month Ahead

Martin's Month Ahead is only available to Registered Users
Contributors to this page: @MartinB , MartinB. and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 01 of May, 2013 03:25:28 CDT by @MartinB.