News - 3 May 2011

May 2011 - Countdown to Launch - 2, 1, Lift-Off

Wiki Stats - End April 2011

After a couple of quiet months, it pleasing to see an invigorated level of activity within TRP.
The total number of pages in the Wiki (as at 1 May 2011) has grown to 2940 (previously 2661, 2644, 2573), an increase of 279 pages. Of these 1034 pages (was 935, 928, 900) begin with the letter R and are probably related to a R*v*s individual and 413 pages (305, 282, 259) begin with a number, so are probably a date related gleaning. We currently have 1221 wiki pages categorised as "People" of which 910 begin with the letter R.
We also welcomed two new users to TRP during April and I'm sure we all look forward to seeing their contributions over the coming months.

Counting Down to Launch - We're there!

In keeping with the low key launch we've always had in mind, all the wiki pages were made accessible to anonymous users on 1 May 2011. At the same time you may have noticed the Home Page was updated to reflect the fact we were no longer in stealth mode.

But please note its still not yet time to go posting links to TRP all over the Twitter-sphere, Roots Web mailing lists or the likes just yet! We have no idea how many users this system can support simultaneously, so our growth needs to be controlled. However, as last month, if you have a contact or two who is an active Reeves researcher and would likely make contributions to TRP, please feel free to share a link to our home page http://thereevesproject.org with them.

You won't find our wiki pages showing up in search engine result sets just yet either. I asked Barry to make the technical changes to enable that yesterday and there is one final step beyond that for us to do later.

Changes and Updates during April 2011

New Template - "Our-Eyes-Only"

In last month's news I drew your attention to a new FAQ entitled FAQ_For_Our_Eyes_Only which explained how to limit sensitive personal information to community members only. To make your use of this technique easier, I've created a new template "Our-Eyes-Only" which will add the necessary code snippets to a wiki page. It will work fine with a new blank wiki page, but if you're trying to retrospectively apply it to an existing page, you'll need to cut and paste part to the top of the information to be protected and part to the end.

Reeves DNA Group 6

The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed some changes within Group 6's DNA pages. The remainder of this content is only available to Registered Users.

Non Geographic Gleanings - British Army Lists.

This content is only available to Registered Users.

Martin's Month Ahead

Martin's Month Ahead is only available to Registered Users

Contributors to this page: @MartinB , MartinB. and system .
Page last modified on Wednesday 01 of May, 2013 03:07:59 CDT by @MartinB.