1548 Will - Richard Reve
Dated: 4 Apr 1548, Springfield, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London
In the name of god Amen the iiii Day of Aprill In the year of or Lord god M ccccc xlviii I Rychard Reve alz Webe of Spryngfyld in the County of Essex beying of hoole mynd & good memory make & orden thys my last wyll & testamentt und man & forme as ytt folowyth fyrst I bequeathe my soule to Almyghtty god my maker & redemr to all the celestyall cnpemy of heven & my body to be buryed in churchyard of all Sayntts of Spryngfyld Itm I gyve to my sonne Wyllm all my house & land callyd Stomaze? lying in Wryttyll accordyng to the custome of the mann butt I wyll my wyffe have the sayd house & lands tyll my sonne on to lawfull age to pay my detts wtall & to kepe suffycyentt ? wtoute makyng stryfe? & waste of & upon the sayd ground & lands Itm I gyve to my wyffe for terme of her lyfe naturall my lyttyll house in Wryttyll ? kepyng suffycyent ? and aft her dyseese to remayn to my sonne Wyllm All other my goods unbequeathed I gyve to my wyffe to kepe my chyld wtall & to pay my detts and I make my sayd wyffe & Thoms Chalke myn executors and the sayd Thoms to have for hys labor ? & ? above all charge thatt he shall be att thes beryng wyttnes Wyllm Hazzys Sen John Hazzys Sen wt otherBy me Alexandr Gate Rect ?