1560 Will - Johan Reves
Dated: 4 Dec 1560, Blandford, DorsetProbated: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 4 Feb 1560/1
Recorded: Piece 44 (Loftes), folio 30 reverse
Transcript or Summary
In the Name of god Amen The fourth daye of December in the yere of our lorde god 1560 I Johan Reves of Blandeforde in the Countie of Dors wydowe make this my will and testamente in manner and forme followinge.First I bequeathe my soule to almightie god that thoroughe the merrits of his bitter passion to be associate amongest the hollie companie of heaven. And my boddie to be buried in the churche or churche yarde of blandeforde aforesaide.
Item I give to the cathedrall churche of bristoll xii d
Item I give to Mr Vicar of Blandeforde my gostly father to bury me iii s iiii d.
Item I give to my godchildren unmarried and to everie of them iii s iiii d.
Item I give to the poore people of Blandforde xl s
Item I give to xiiii parrishes next unto Blandeforde as herafter followethe to praye for me that is to saye to pymperne vi s viii d to Dorweston v s. To Stowerpayne v s. To Stickeland v s. To whitechurch v s. To Blandeforde Marie iii s iii d to Charleton vi s viii d. To Spestbury vi s. viii d. To Sturmister mershall v s. To Wymborne mynster v s. To Chapwyke v s viii d. To both Saffords vi s. xiii d. To keynston iii s iiii d. To Rhaston v s. To munton and Lannston v s viii d. To longe churchell x s. To lancton iii iiii d. And to Shelingston v s iiii d.
Item I give to the pavinge of the streate of blandeford aforesaid xl s.
Item I give and bequeath to John Ryves my kinsman of Damerie Courte all these pcells of monneye and goods as hereafter followeth that is to saye xxxii th in good and lawfull monney of England remaining in the handes of the saide John Ryves with a bason and a ewer of silver and a salte of silver uppon condicon that yf the saide John Ryves doe sue vex troble or inquiet myne executors for any matter or cause what soever they be concerninge the will of John Ryves deceased his father then I will that my saide gifte and legacie so to the saide John Ryves made shalbe utterlye voyde and of none effecte any thinge contained in this will to the contrary not withstandinge
Item I give and bequeathe to the saide John Ryves a greate chest wherin all suche deeds and evidences as are tochinge the saide John Ryves lyeth.
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Ryve a dozen of silver spoones and a silver salte with oute a covr a fetherbed a bolster ii pillowes a paire of sheets a paure of blankets & coverlet & table boorde called a counter boorde that ys nowe in the chamber on the buttrie and spence whiche saide bed lyeth next to the streete windowe in the saide chamber.
Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Ryve a dozen of sylver sppones and a silver salte that is occupied everie daye a fetherbed a bolster a paire of sheets ii pillowes a paire of blankets and a towlet, and the table boorde that is in the maidens chamber, whiche saide bed lyeth next the chamber doore on the saide buttrie.
Item whereas I have certaine lands of aller and anstye in the pishe of helton in the countie of Dorset of the yerely rente of xth my will ys that the saide rente shalbe distributed and paied as hyt? shall come and grow in manner and forme followinge, that is to saye I give and bequeathe to Willm Huntons children yet unmarried to evry of them v to be levied and paied oute of the saide rents.
Item I give and bequeath to John Swaynes children yet unmarried and to every of them v in manner and forme aforesaide.
Item I give and bequeathe to Peter Monsells children yet unmarried and to any of them v in manner and forme aforesaid.
Item I give and bequeath unto iiii of William Hilles children at theire marriage that is to saye Ambrose Petronell Elnor and Susan to evry of them v over and besides xxx alredie paied and delivered to the saide willm hyll for v other his thelder to the use of them as aforesaide.
Item I give and bequeathe to the children of my daughter Margaret Marham begotten by Thomas Marham late deceased, and to everie of them yet unmarried v in manner and forme aforesaid further yf hit happen the children of the saide psons above named or anye of them to depte oute of this worlde before the daie of theire marriages, that then those pte and porcon I give and bequeath to my executor.
Item I give and bequeath to Robert Reve and to his heires of his boddie lawfully begotten forevr all my messuages lands tenements rents revcons prmice? and hereditaments with theire apptenics whersoever they be with all manner of evidence Deeds escripts monuments concerninge the same whiche I the saide Johan Ryves have purchased freely unto me and to my heires and yf it happen the saide Robarte Reves to die withoute issue of his boddie lawfully begotten that then all my saide messuages landes and tenements as is aforesaide I give and bequeathe to Richard Ryve and his heires of his boddie lawfully begotten forevr. And yf hit happen the saide Richarde Ryve to die withoute issue of his boddie lawfully begotten, that then all my saide messuage landes and tenements as is aforesaide and other the premisses with theire apptencs I give and bequeath to Thomas Ryves and to the heires of his boddie lawfully begotten for ever. And yf hit happen the saide Thomas to die withoute issue of his boddie lawfullye begotten that then all my saide messuages landes and tenements and other the pmisses with thapptencs as is aforesaid I give and bequeath to my daughters and theire heires forever equally devided amongest them.
Item I give and bequeathe to the repayringe and mendinge of the bridge highe waye and cause at the easte ende of blandeforde in monnie x.
Item I give and bequeath to the repairinge and mendinge of Blandeforde bridge and the cause at the west ende of blandeforde in monney iii
All the rest and residue of my goods and cattalls both moveable and unmoveable not before given nor bequeathed I give and bequeath to John Swaine whome I make and ordaine of this my ?te Laste will and Testamente my hole executor. These bearinge witnes John Pytte and barthelmew hyll with others.