1565 Will - William Reve
Dated: 1 Sep 1565, Wethersfield, EssexProbated: Diocese of London, 20 Sep 1565
In the name of god Amen the first Day of September the yeare of our Lord god a thousand five hundred threscore and five I William Reve of Wetherfeild in the Countie of Essex and London Lioces being sicke in bodie but of whole mind handed be almightie god do ordaine and make this present whole my testament and last will in this manner and forme following &cFirst I give and bequeath my soule to the great mercy of god in whom I trust to obtaine everlasting liffe by the death and passion of his onelie sonne Jesus Christ my Lord god and Savyour &c and my body to the earth to be buried in the churchyard of Wetherfeild aforesayd
Item I will and bequeath unto Margaret Reve my daughter fower poundes of lawfull mony of Egland to be payed to her when she commeth to the age of xxi yeares or at the day of her marriage yf she doth sooner marry Also I will and bequeath unto Anne my wiffe all the residue of my goodes corne cattell household stuffe debts to me owing and all other moveables whatsoever they be, she to pay my debts and to bring my bodie honestlie in earth
Also I do ordaine and make the sayd Anne my wiffe my sole executor of this my last will and testament &c
Witnes to this William Lewes Richard Bronde William Algor Thomas Cronford and other