1571 Will - Hary Ryve


1571 Will - Hary Ryve


Dated: 27 May 1571, Felsted, Essex
Probated: Commissary of Bishop of London, (No Date)


In the name of god ame the xxvii day of May in the yere of our Lorde god 1571 and in the thyrtene yere of the Rayne of oure soverayn Loday Ellysabethe by the grace of god of Ingland France and Irland quene defender of faythe &c I Hary Ryve of Fellsted in the counti of Essex being sycke in body but of parfyte remembrans thankes be unto god dothe ordain and make here my laste wylle and testamet in maner and forme followinge Fyrste I bequeathe my soulle unto all miti god my ?evelly? savyoure and redemer and my body to be beryed in the churche yarde of Fellsted
It I gyve and bequeathe unto Hary Ryve my sonne my coppy hould house and land in Springfyld ledinge form? chenforde to borame after the deces of hys mother
It I gyve and bequeathe unto Wyllm Ryve my soone my frehould house in Springfylde after the deces of hys mother forevermore
I wyll that yf the sayd hary my sonne or wyllm my sonne deces be fore ther mother that then I wyll that he whyche ys alyve to have bothe my housys and land in Springfyld to hym and hys ayers for ever
It I wyll and bequeathe unto tamasyn? Ryve my daughter a?bed wt all that bellongeth unto abed and unto her I gyve alytell cetell and ii pewter pllaters & the to hans? the same is in one yere after she be maryed
It I gyve and bequeathe uto Joane Ryve my dauter aflluke? bed wt all that bellongethe unto the bed and unto her I gyve a pease of brase and ii pewter pllaters and the to hans? the same wt is one yere after she be marryed furder more I wylle that yf bothe my sonnes dye before ther mother that then I wyll Joae Reve my dater shall have my coppy hould house & lands in Springfyld to her and to her ayers for ever
It I wyll Tamasyn? to have my frehold house to her and to her ayers for ever & yf one of my dawters dye before ther mother then I wyll that she whyche ys alyve to be the others ayer
It I gyve and bequeathe unto alles my wife all the reste of my housefold estate moveable & umovable & unbequethed and my detes beinge payde and my body brought in earthe and I ordayn and make the sayd alles my wafe and Wyllm Ryve my brother my solle executors and I gyve unto hyme for hys paynes iiis iiiid wittnes unto thys my laste wylle Wyllm Kempe Thom? Rand and Robart ?van wt others
It I ower unto Wyllm Reve my brother of Chenford 1 ferme? barll? to be payed at myhellmas com twellmonthe


Essex Archives - D/ABW 31/188