1591 Will - Adam Reve


1591 Will - Adam Reve


Dated: 28 Jun 1591, Colchester St. Nicholas, Essex
Probated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 20 Aug 1591


In the name of god amen, I Adam Reve of the perishe of St Nicolas in Colchester, beinge sicke in bodye but of perfecte memorye thankes be to god for it, uppon the 28 daye of June 1591 and in the 33 yeare of the rayne of oure soveraine ladye Elizabeth by godes grace Quene of England France & Irelande defender of the faithe &c doe make this my laste will & testament in maner & forme folowinge that is to saye Firste I commit my soule into the handes of allmightye god my creatore & mercifull father & to Jesus Christ my redemer with the holye goste my comforter, threesones? & one eternall god, to be receyved in peace oute of this miserabell & transitorye world into his everlastinge & joyfull kingdome when it shall please his maijestye to call me & my body to the earth in sure & certaine hope of everlastinge life & a joyfull resurrection Allso I will yt an inveitorye be taken of all my goodes & howshoulde stufe by my brethren Thomas Sfyrfan? & William Reve & other whome thay thinke good & the same goodes & houshoulde stufe by them & others indeferently prysed & there oute my detes to be payed & of that which remayneth I will & bequeath unto briget my wyfe the one thyrde parte thereof & another thurde parte I will & beqyeath unto foure of my chilldren whose names are heareunder writen, that is to saye Susanna Reve Israell Reve Mary Reve & Martha Reve, which parte or portion I will shall be payde unto thes chilldren as thay come to adge that is to saye to Israell Reve when he is xxii yeares of adge & to my three daughters whose names are above writen at the adge of xx yeares or at the days of mariadge whether it please god shall hapen first, but if it please god that any of them dye in the mean tyme before thay owne to this adge then I will that these children wth al that time remayne ? of thes fower shall be right heyer unto him or ? that is so di??sed his or her porcion beinge equally divided amonge those whiche so reamine the other thyrde & laste parte I will & bequeath unto my soon Samson Reve oute of the wch thurde & last parte I will that my soon Samson Reve shall paye unto my soo Adam Reve of basing stoke who is allredy well provided for, yet in tyme of remembrance xxv, to his wife Avis xxv, to his daughter Avis xxv, allso if it please god that my wyfe Briget doth mary agayne & so my wyfe Briged & my sonn Samson doe parte & she doth take her children that is to saye Israell Reve Mary Reve & Martha Reve then my wyfe Briget to have thare ? with them eyther towardes the bringinge of them up or plasinge of them whare she thingeth good, allso I appointe & ordaine to this my laste will & testament my wyfe Briget & my sonn Samson Reve to be myne exsoquiters ? my detes payed my funerell & other charges discharged & my legaces fullfilled, I do allso ordaine & apointe my too brethren Thomas Fursan? & William Reve to be suprovisers thereof, & I doe gyve to eyther of them for thare paines xv & I will that my two for named exsequiters shall put in bonde to my too fore named suprovisers for the true performance of this my last will & testament in witnes whereof I have caused this to be written & have set to my hande & seale the daye & yeare above written

by me Adam Reve

Henrye Herinnge his marke
Mercellus grewis his marke


Essex Archives - D/ABW 32/24