1591 Will - John Reeve
Dated: 15 Nov 1591, Widford, EssexProbated: Commissary of Bishop of London, 15 Jan 1591/2
In ye name of God Amen this fifteenth of november in ye yeare of or Lorde god 1591 I John Reeve of ye pish of Wydefforde within ye countie of Essex husbandman beinge sicke in bodye but whole in mynde & in good & pfect rememberance thanks be to god thereore doe make this my last will & testament in mannour & fourme followinge viz -First I doe bequeathe my sowll unto Almightie god my creator Redeemer & comfortoure & my bodie to be buried after my death wthin ye pishe church yard of Wydefourde aforesaid
Itm I doe geeve unto Marye Reeve my wyfe & to Allice Reeve my daughter my twelve kyne & fowertteen hoggs & sheafe? to be indifferentlie & equallie devyded betweene them & all my household stuff to be lykewyse devided betweene them
Itm I doe geve ye said Marie my wyfe myne acre of wheat wh? as it groweth
Item I doe geve unto ye said Alice my daughter sollye? ten powndes of money viz ye eight powndes wch William Spawlding doth owe me & ye forttie shillings wch James Leak? of Wydeffourde doth owe unto me
Item I will yf my childes ten powndes & ye whole price of her pte of kyne & hoggs & household stuff beinge soulde to ye moste advantage shalbe delyvered unto ye hands of ye said William Spaulding to be let out to ye most lawfull advantadge yt maye be towards ye use & bringging upp of ye said Allice my daughter untill she come unto ye full adge of eightene yeares & then my said daughter Allice to have ye principall porcion delyvered unto her if she shall then lyve but if it fortune my said daughter to depte this worlde before she be of same full adge then I will yt Nicholas Reeve William Reeve & Sussanna Reeve ye children of John Reeve my brother shall have paide to each & everie one of them twentie shillings oute of my said daughters legacie & everie one of them to be ? to each other. Also I will yt William bradley shall have twentie shillings of my said daughters legacie in manner & forme aforesaid Also all ye residewe of my said daughters legacies if she doe die before the said full adge I will yt it be equallie devyded & distributed betweene Christian Reeve her children John Boorne his children of Blackmore Thomas Reeve his children of Duddingherst? & to William Reeve his children of Fryan to be devyded by equall portions.
Item I geve unto John Reeve my brother my mare & seven shillings of ye debt yt wch Richard burll doth owe unto me & my said brother to have it paid him at Chravetide? next lykewyse I doe geeve unto ye said John my brother yt ten shillings wch Mr Thomas Smithe of Blakemore doth owe unto me to him ye saide John I lykewyse geeve gower bushells of wheat wch William Reeve of Fringrithe hawll shall paie but him at ?tyde next for ye full satisfaction of his debt dewe unto me so yt ye said William doe also geeve unto Marye his owne daughter ten shillings more
Item I geve unto ye reperation of pshe church of Wydefforde to be paid immediatlie after my deathe iii iiii
Item I geve unto Robert Joyce of Wydefforde myne owlde furr coate & myne olde k??iff dooblett
Item I geeve unto John ? of Wydefforde one olde paire of my clothe breeches & wetherstocke?
Item I geeve unto John Boorn of Blackemore my best newe k?ff dooblett
Item I doe chearllie forgeeve ye said Robert Joyce all ye six shillings & fower pence wch he oweth to me
Item I forgeeve unto Richard Burll of Blackmore all ye use of the debts I owe but and except before excepted.
Item I doe forgeeve unto William Reeve of Finggerithe hawll all ye rest of his debt dewe unto me except before excepted.
Item I doe geeve unto William Spaulding my kinsman iii iiii
Item I doe ordaine & make Marye my wyfe & William Spauldinge my kinsman myne trewe & lawefull executors of this my last will & testament & I appoint my brother William Reeve of Fringrithe hawll my oversear & supravisor hereof & I doe bequeathe him lykewyse for his paines iii iiii. All ye rest of my goods & catells wch I have not before ye daie of my deathe geeven & bequeathed I doe geeve unto ye said Marye my wyfe so yt she doe see my conveniently buried my debts paid & my legacies pformed In witness whereof I have hereunto put my mark ye daie & yeare first above written in ye presence of their hereunto named.
John Reeve marke ye testator hereof
Witnesses hereunto
Francis ? pson of Wydefforde
James Laake of Wydefforde his marke
William Reeve of Fringgrithe hawll his marke
John Reeve his marke