1609 Will - Marie Reve
Dated: 9 May 1609, Blackmore, EssexProbated: Archdeaconry of Essex, 20 Jun 1609
In the name of God Amen the ninthe daie of Maie Anno Dm 1609, I Marie Reve of Blackmore in the countie of Essex wydowe, beinge sicke in Bodie but yet in mynde of good and pfect remembrannce, thanks be to almightie God, doe make and ordayne this my prsent testament conteyning herein my last will in mannr and forme as followethFirst I commyt my soule to almightie God my maker, redeemer and sanctifier and my Bodie I commyt to the earthe from whence it came to be buryed in Christian buryall at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named Secondlie as concerning all my worldly goods wch God hath endued me I gyve and dispose in such manner as here followeth
Itm I gyve & bequeath to Mary my daughter fyve pounds of lawfull money of England
Itm I gyve to Mary Pascall her daughter fyve pounds of like money
Itm I gyve to Thomas Pascall my sayd daughter sonne fyve pounds of like money: all wch somes of money my will & meaning is shalbe paied to them and either of them when the youngest childe aforesaid shalbe of the age of xviiith yeres
Itm I gyve to Elizabeth Burles my brother Johns daughter one of my Bease
Itm I gyve to Willm Reve the blinde man ii?vi?
Itm I gyve to Nicholas Reves wofe iis vis
Itm I gyve to Christian Reve wydowe iis vis
Itm I gyve to Willm Reves wife iis vis
Itm I gyve to John Bornes wyfe iis vis
Tm I gyve to Elizabeth Borne my mayde the bed wch she lyeth on wth all that belongeth to it
Itm I gyve to my brother John Burles xxs
Itm I gyve to George Burles his sonne vs
Itm I gyve to the pore of the pish of Blackmore aforesayd xls
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts payed and my funerall discharged I gyve and bequeath them to William Spalding my sonne in lawe whom I ordeyne and make my sole executor of this my sayd last will and testament
Witnesses hereunto
John ?
and John Bornes his marke